Native Americans How did civilization develop in the Americas?
Early People Ancestor-an early family member Theory-an idea based on study and reseasrch Migration-movement of people
The Land Bridge Story Beringia-a bridge of land between Asia and North America 12,000 years ago groups of hunters crossed the bridge
Early Ways of Life Artifacts, or objects made by people, suggest that early people were nomadic. They moved to follow the animals they hunted Also gathered wild foods (nuts, plants, roots) They were called hunters and gatherers
A Changing Way of Life Climate became warmer and drier Large animals became extinct 8000 B.C.-People began to use tools to fish and hunt small animals 3000 B.C.-Some began to plant seeds to grow crops (corn and beans) Agriculture allowed them to settle villages Tribes developed with different cultures
The Olmec and the Maya Civilization-a group of people with ways of life, religion, and learning The Olmec lived in southern Mexico, created a system of writing and counting The Mayans lived in southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, used writing system of hieroglyphs to record history, counting system included zero
Other Civilizations Mound Builders lived in cities, like Cahokia, with strong trade system Ancient Puebloans lived in houses with many levels, often built against canyon walls or caves