Event/ Year Renaissance ( ) [p.34-53] Reformation ( ) [p ] Muslim World( ) [p.70-89] Cause Effect/ Result Major Events Major Figures (+ what they did) Area Vocab (blue words) Major World Events C.E.
Event/ Year Renaissance ( ) [p.34-53] Cause Humanism Secularism Asking Why Plague Effect/ Result Age of Discovery Protestant Reformation New Forms of Art and Literature Interests in Social Issues Major Events Works of Art Ideas/culture Spread People Enlightened de’ Medici as Patrons Florence, Venice, Rome Major Figures (+ what they did) Leonardo da Vinci Donatello/Raphael Michelangelo Gutenberg Female Artists and Writers Area Italy to Northern Europe Vocab (blue words) Renaissance, Renaissance Man, Vernacular, Patrons, Perspective, Secularism, Humanism
Event/ Year Reformation ( ) [p ] Cause Renaissance Clergy Behavior Need for Reform - Corruption in Catholic Church Effect/ Result Protest & Reform of Catholic Church New Sects Counter/Catholic Reformation Anglican Church Major Events 95 theses Excommunication Lutherans/Calvinists Henry VIII (8 th ) – Counter Reformation Persecution - Pilgrims Inquisition Major Figures (+ what they did) Martin Luther John Calvin Pope Leo X J. Tetzel Henry VIII (8 th ) Gutenberg AreaGermany, England Northern Europe Vocab (blue words) Reformation, Protestantism, Vernacular, Indulgence, Lutheran, Calvinist Predestination, Theocracy, Anglican, Catholic Reformation, Jesuits
Event/ Year Muslim World( ) [p.70-89] Cause Decline of Empires New Stronger Leaders Strong Militaries Effect/ Result Conflict/War New Empires Cultural Blending Dynasty Major Events Osman forms Ottoman between (Turkey) Shiite (Shi’a) v. Sunni Muslims Cultural Blending in ME Trading in India Major Figures (+ what they did) Osman creates Ottomans, Mehmed II expands Ottomans, 1520 Suleiman the Lawgiver increases Ottoman greatness (organized social structure – dies after WWI) 1658 Aurangzeb brings Mughals to greatness, Safavid (Persia-Iran – Shi’a) 1587 Golden Age - Shah Abbas AreaMiddle East Africa Vocab (blue words) Sultan (Orkhan I – Osman's son), Shah, Sikhs, Taj Mahal, Janissaries
Event/ Year Age of Discovery ( ) [p / ] Δ Trade ( ) [p ] Age of Absolutism( ) [p ] Cause Effect/ Result Major Events Major Figures (+ what they did) Area Vocab (blue words)
Event/ Year Age of Discovery [p / ] Cause 3 G’s, R, T Glory, Gold, God, Renaissance Spirit, Technology Effect/ Result Colonization Global Trade Conflict Major Events Portugal Leads Way Columbus Discovers “New World” Colonization of “New World”, Dangers-Scurvy Treaty of Tordesillas Jamestown, Plymouth (Pilgrims) Magellan’s Crew Circumnavigates Globe Conflict - 90% of Native Americans die within 100 years Major Figures (+ what they did) Prince Henry, Diaz, Da Gama Columbus, Magellan Dutch East India Company Aztecs, Incas AreaEurope (Portugal, Spain, France, England) Africa Americas Vocab (blue words) Colonies Scurvy Conquistador
Event/ Year Global Trade ( ) [p ] Cause Renaissance Age of Discovery Columbian Exchange Effect/ Result New Nations Mercantilism Cultural Blending (90% Native Americans Perish) Major Events Slave Trade Triangular Trade – Columbian Exchange Middle Passage Major Figures (+ what they did) Portuguese Spaniards Columbus AreaEurope (Portugal, Spain, France, England) Africa Americas Vocab (blue words) Capitalism Mercantilism Joint Stock Company Balance of Trade Trade Deficit
Event/ Year Age of Absolutism( ) [p ] Cause Renaissance Age of Discovery Protect Assets, Organize Empires Effect/ Result War Dominant Nations Feudalism Revolt/Revolution/New Nations Major Events 30 Years War Years War English Civil War 1642 Restoration Palace of Versailles Major Figures (+ what they did) Henry IV, Louis XIII, XIV Frederick the Great Peter the Great, Romanovs Phillip II AreaEurope, Asia Vocab (blue words) Absolutism Divine Right Edict of Nantes Westernization Constitutional Monarch