Stephen Wood NPS Collaboration Meeting November 19, 2014 Hall C Status And Lab Perspective on NPS
Hall C Status – SHMS Structure Assembly 2 Bogies on SHMS Rail
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Dipole Magnet Coil Winding Mold being placed onto Dipole Coil “B” Layers 1&2 in preparation for VPI (May 27, 2014). Dipole Coil “A” Layer 3 being wrapped and readied for winding layer 4 (May 27, 2014).
SHMS Detectors Detector stands and preshower Heavy gas Cerenkov Aerogel assembly and testing
Slide 6 Somewhat obsolete, but only “public” schedule
Hall C Timeline MagnetDelivery Date Q1January o Horizontal BenderFebruary 2015 DipoleDecember 2015 Q2, Q3January/Feb 2016 Mid 2013 SHMS installation began Fall 2013 SHMS Shield house 2014 (Pre) Shower counter and electronics/DAQ 2015 Detector installation July 2016 First beam Commissioning Experiments in Hall C
High Impact Experiments (PAC41)
Early running plans – Year : Precommissioning – detector checkout ~25 PAC days – Commissioning “Experiment” 9 days of E search for color transparency A(e,e’p) only – “easy” coincidence measurement E F 2 p,d structure functions at large x Momentum scans help understand acceptance 2 days E EMC Effect Integrate light nuclei with F 2 run, Point target helps acceptance studies. 3 days of E d(e,e’p) If time available Push to lower cross sections
Early running plan – Years : E P t dependence of basic SIDIS cross sections Push particle ID capabilities of SHMS E Precise + - ratios in SIDIS – Charge Symmetry Detector efficiencies E L/T separated p(e,eK + ) factorization test Easiest L/T separation 2018: Choose a “High Impact Experiment”? E Pion Form Factor (needs well understood SHMS) E x>1 E A 1 n (needs high Luminosity 3 He) g 2 n, GeN?
SHMS Fringe Fields Potentially Mitigated by extra iron bolted to HB and iron pipes around beamline at strategic locations. Are sweeper magnet fringe fields an issue? Iron pipes on beamline not desirable.
Hall C Analysis Software Upgrade FORTRAN ENGINE analysis code being replaced with C++/ROOT analyzer Based on Hall A analysis software Ease sharing of software and people with Hall A Easier to reuse code between HMS & SHMS Likely easier and more natural to add new detectors (done often in Hall A) Status Code, “hcana”, managed with “git” on Supports CTP like parameters and reports. Hall A cut and histogram definition package similar to CTP DC Tracking code ported, Shower counter, hodoscopes, Cerenkov Basic support for most HMS/SOS detectors and spectrometer optics Best/Golden track selection in progress
Lab Support NPS receiving appropriate support from Halls A, C and Physics division Small scale R&D spending Parasitic in beam tests (Hall A) Lab space, DAQ test stands Design & Engineering Support for visiting scientists SHMS electronics available for NPS experiments Much “evidence” of lab support that can be pointed to
Capital Projects An NPS specific capital project not envisioned at this time: Don’t want same level of “help” as for example SBS but do want DOE awareness, to help with external funding (e.g. MRI) Two Physics Division capital projects directly help NPS. Small enough to avoid formal DOE oversight. Fast Electronics This capital equipment project is to provide sufficient fast pipelined electronics at Jefferson Lab to serve a third large-acceptance device running simultaneously with CLAS12 and GlueX. In its first phase, it pre-buys electronics components that may become obsolete, such as FPGAs for the flash ADCs. In a second phase, it would augment this with the fast pipelined electronics to serve large ancillary detectors on the floor for out- year experiments. Included in last year’s capital projections given to DOE. FPGA purchases for flash ADCs have been made. High Resolution Calorimeter This capital equipment project follows up on the foreseen need in the out-years of large-acceptance PbWO4 neutral-particle calorimeters that have been part of highly-rated approved experiments in Hall C, and are part of proposed rare eta decay experiments in Hall D. Will be included in labs capital projections to DOE if DOE guidance is optimistic in light of favorable House and Senate bills.
Lab Perspective Five experiments approved to use NPS, three with A/A- rating. On radar at directorate level. Experiment physics topics part of 12 GeV physics “mission” Provides a natural extension to L/T separation capability of Hall C NPS experiments should run after “high impact” experiments and some healthy usage of SHMS Perhaps work toward physics division review with DOE observers like done with Hall B RICH
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