Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems results in 2003-2009 and results in 2003-2009 and program for 2010-2012 A.Olshevskiy.


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Presentation transcript:

Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems results in and results in and program for A.Olshevskiy

Basic points of DLNP program  Neutrino physics and rare phenomena  International Partnership programs at unique accelerator facilities  Participation in NICA/MPD and detectors R&D

50 years of  oscillations Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagava-Sakata matrix

CERN LNGS 730 km x10 19 pot 0 int. Commissioning x10 19 pot 38 int. Commissioning x10 19 pot 1663 int. First physics run x10 19 pot up to now (Sep 6 th ) 2036 int. Extrapolation is 3.5x10 19 pot at end of the run. (~2 tau expected in total) Nomi nal 4.5 x pot x 5 year. total 22.5 x pot ~10 tau decays are expected to be observed Less than 1 background after 5 years running CNGS Experiment is taking data now Expected produced interactions (22.5x10 19 ): ~25400  CC + NC ~170 e + e CC ~125  CC (  m 2 = 2.5 x eV 2 ) Nuclear emulsion detector of 1.25 kt of target mass Direct search for oscillations by looking at the appearance of  in a pure  beam to explain atmospheric neutrinos anomaly and results of K2K and MINOS Neutrino physics and rare phenomena OPERA

5 mm 8 participants (3 PhD students)  Target Tracker maintenance and TT data analysis  Brick Finding software development to select the bricks for extraction and processing  Emulsion scanning in Dubna  Physics analysis Data physics analysis Emulsion scanning in Dubna Brick Finder – software to locate the vertex JINR’s responsibilities in OPERA in :

Daya Bay: Neutrino oscillations θ 13 JINR Group Contribution  Liquid Scintillator R&D and production (1.5t of PPO)  Simulation of the background  Preparation for Physics Analysis of the data

278 t of liquid organic scintillator PC + PPO (1.5 g/l) (ν,e)-scattering with 200 keV threshold Outer muon detector Neutrino physics and rare phenomena BOREXINO 1998 Borexino approved by the funding Agencies The project blocked for the well known local problems (50 l of LS spill) 2005 Recommissioning of all setups Late spring 2006 Restart of all operations, detector filled with purified water 2007 Detector filled with purified scintillator (PC+1.5 g/l PPO), PC plus quencher(5.0 g/l), purified water May 15th Borexino starts the data taking with the detector completely filled. Aug 2007 – first results on 7Be neutrino appeared

Borexino current results/future Borexino operates at purity levels never achieved before, it demonstrated the feasibility of the neutrino flux measurement in sub-MeV region, under the natural radioactivity threshold (4.2 MeV); Solar 7 Be- flux has been measured with 10% accuracy; a first measurement of 8 B- in LS with threshold below 5 MeV (2.8 MeV); Borexino results are compatible with MSW/LMA; strong limit on neutrino effective magnetic moment is obtained; extremely high sensitivity to electron antineutrino has been experimentally confirmed, waiting for more statistics. Further calibration and reduction of the error on the 7 Be flux down to 5% (further improvements if constraining 85 Kr, in this case also the limits on the effective magnetic moment will be improved); Seasonal variations of the neutrino fluxes (detector stability, more statistics); other time variations More precise measurement of the oscillation probability in the transition region (either due to the higher statistics or due to increase of the FV); The CNO and pep-neutrino fluxes measurement (requires cosmogenic 11 C tagging); The feasibility of the pp-neutrino flux measurement is under study (better understanding of the detector at low energies and the precise spectral shape of 14 C is needed); Antineutrino studies: geo, reactor, supernova.

Dark Matter and Astrophysics TUS Experiment NUCLEON Experiment Study the energy spectrum, composition and angular distribution of the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) at E ≈ eV (GZK cutoff region) Deviation of the focal points for all 11 rings of the lateral Fresnel mirror mold Results: Production and tests of the optical system based on the multimodule Fresnel mirror of complicated structure. A technological mirror prototype was produced using precise molds that were fabricated and measured at Dubna Measurement of cosmic rays flux in the energy range x10 14 eV and charge range up to Z»30 in the near-Earth space The beam test of the technological trigger system prototype was done in 2008 at the SPS CERN H2 test beam of the  - energy interval 200 – 350 GeV and of MIPs - halo muons. The trigger system technical parameters correspond to the initial requirements to the triggers of the 1-st and 2-nd levels

E391a Experiment

Partnership programs at unique accelerator facilities

Partnership Programs at Unique Accelerators ATLAS JINR is ready for ATLAS data taking and data analysis  Readiness in ATLAS computing JINR in the ATLAS GRID JINR in the ATLAS GRID ATLAS resources and software ATLAS resources and software  Readiness in teaching and training of people GANGA and PANDA tutorials GANGA and PANDA tutorials Remote control room Remote control room  Readiness in selection of the first physical tasks  ATLAS works! The prototype of the real time ATLAS remote monitoring system is operational at DLNP Control Room at CERNat JINR MOTIVATION Monitoring of the detector and data flows at any time Participation of the subsystem experts from Dubna in the shifts and data quality checks remotely Training the shifters before they come to CERN

Dominant and/or very significant JINR contribution Partnership Programs at Unique Accelerators CDF at FNAL  c,b,t – physics: scintillation counters of the  - trigger CDF preshower for E.M. calorimter  b-physics: Si - vertex trigger for secondary vertex recognition  high precision M(top) measurements  search for the Thermalization Phenomenon in the Very High Multiplicity processes Created with a strong JINR contribution the unique new CDF Complexes (Silicon Vertex Trigger; Muon Trigger; New Preshower) play a key role in the CDF RUN2 most outstanding achievements. Among those are: Constantly growing precision of the measurement of M(top) - the fundamental parameter of theory. First Observation of B s - B s oscillations. First Observation of Heavy Baryons Σ b and Σ b *. First Observation of Heavy Baryon Ξ b composed of b,s,d quarks. SM Higgs exclusion Collider Run II Integrated Luminosity

yearIntegratedLuminosity pb -1 M top measured by JINR group and JINR group and approved by CDF M JINR Communication s M PRD or PRL M PRD or PRL green/red(ref) – JINR Combined M top CDF + D  13.1(l+jets)  18.2 (dil) E  13.1(l+jets) E  18.2 (dil)  4.1(l+jets)  10.0 (dil) E  4.1(l+jets) E  10.0 (dil) PR D73:032003,  3.9(l+jets) PR D73:112006,  10.0 (dil)  6.4 (dil comb)  6.8 (all hadr.)   2.8(l+jets)  5.5 (dil)  2.6(l+jets)  5.1 (dil) E   4.5 (dil) PR D79:072005,  4.5 (dil)  Expected 1 GeV/c 2 Top mass measurements (GeV/c 2 )

* The group starts of cooperation with D0 since 1995 * The group starts of cooperation with D0 since 1995 * D0 detector : * D0 detector : – support, development and running of muon tracker based on Mini- Drift Tubes (MDT) –> 6300 detectors and ~ 50’000 electronic channels – support, development and running of muon tracker based on Mini- Drift Tubes (MDT) –> 6300 detectors and ~ 50’000 electronic channels – participation in data taking and processing – participation in data taking and processing * D0 physics : * D0 physics : – search for heavy baryons ( discovery of  b and  b ) and – search for heavy baryons ( discovery of  b and  b ) and measurement of their parameters measurement of their parameters – study of gamma+jet(s) events aiming at QCD checks and – study of gamma+jet(s) events aiming at QCD checks and measurement of proton structure functions measurement of proton structure functions Partnership Programs at Unique Accelerators D0 at FNAL

2007: Discovery of Ξ b [dsb quark state ] 16 D0 Note 5403, June 5, 2007 Dubna team in collaboration with E.Burelo, H.Neal, J.Qian (Michigan Univ.) and B.Abbott (Oklahoma Univ.) Phys.Rev.Lett., 99,052001(2007) 2008: Observation of Ω b [ssb quark state ] D0 Note 5762, July 5, 2008 Dubna team in collaboration with E.Burelo, J.Orduna, H.Neal, J.Qian (Michigan Univ.) and B.Abbott (Oklahoma Univ.) Phys.Rev.Lett., 101, (2008)

In total: 173±54  K-atomic pairs are observed with a significance of 3.2 . At the second stage for the first time DIRAC observed signal of π − K + and π + K − atoms B. Adeva et al.,“Evidence for πK-atoms with DIRAC”, Physics Letters B 674 (2009) 11 Test of Low Energy QCD DIRAC Experiment

Test of Low Energy QCD

FAIR project at GSI

 Timeline  March 2008: first cosmic-ray event  July 19, 2008: First e + e - collision event in BES-III  Nov. 2008: ~14M Ψ(2S) events collected Peak Nov 2008: 1.2x10 32 cm -2 s -1  April 14, 2009: ~110M Ψ(2S) events collected (x4 CLEOc)  May 30, 2009: 42 pb -1 continuum data collected  July 28, 2009: ~220M J/Ψ events collected (x4 BES-II)  Peak 2009: 3.2x10 32 cm -2 s -1 (x5 CESRc, x30 BEPC) at Ψ'' Beam Energy: GeV Design Lumi: 1.0x10 33 cm -2 s -1 Partnership Programs at Unique Accelerators BES-III

Participation in NICA/MPD and detectors R&D

based on Lead/Scintillator Calorimeter with fiber readout and novel photodetectors Electromagnetic Calorimeter module design provides additional features of excellent time resolution and particle identification, in particular, neutrons.

Conclusion  In important Particle Physics results were obtained by DLNP groups  For the coming years DLNP research will be focused on: Neutrino physics and rare phenomena Neutrino physics and rare phenomena Partnership programs at unique facilities Partnership programs at unique facilities NICA physics and detectors NICA physics and detectors