A report on how the MRC Advisory Group on Public Involvement (AGPI) has influenced MRC research in the early stages MRC AGPI INVOLVE Conference - People at the Heart of Research Nottingham, 11 November 2004
MRC and the setting up of AGPI (formerly CLG) How MRC and AGPI influence medical research in the early stages Widening the influence - NOPI Questions to pose 4 years on Plan of Presentation
MRC – Influencing medical research in the early stages AGPI – Influencing research strategy and decision making across the whole of medical research Medical Research Council
Meetings Meets formally four times a year Visits MRC Units Attends Research Board meetings Attends policy and strategy meetings (SCoPE) Advisory and working groups Many and varied, including the Advisory Group on Research on Flouridation, the Autism Review Group, UK Biobank, and the Strategy Group on CFS/ME Consultation On Ethics guidelines, clinical trials, Human Tissue Bill etc How does AGPI work?
Ten year Vision for Science SCoPE Research Boards UK Stem Cell Bank Influencing research in the early stages
Members will be regionally based Links with local MRC Research Units and scientists Provision of a wider resource for public involvement in MRC research activities Closer match of interests and experiences to needs and tasks Wider network - NOPI
How should we involve the public in medical research? Is PI appropriate for all types of medical research e.g. molecular and cellular research? How can we ensure that AGPI and NOPI become more inclusive and diverse? What mechanisms should we use to track the progress and influence of AGPI and NOPI members’ contributions to medical science? Questions to pose 4 years on: