FEWS FDR Training 2011 AAMVA Region IV Conference Big Sky, MT Fraud Emergency Warning System (FEWS) & Fraudulent Document Recognition (FDR Training) 2011 AAMVA Region IV Conference Big Sky, MT June 15, 2011 Brian Ursino, AAMVA Director of Law Enforcement AAMVA-Official Use Only1
Fraudulent Documents – They’re out there!!FEWS
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FRAUD E MERGENCY S YSTEM W ARNING FEWS Benefits Web-based No cost to jurisdictions Easy to use Flexible and easy administration Searchable Timely updates Automatic alerts
Fraudulent Document Recognition Training Program FDR Level I training introduces the basic techniques of fraudulent document recognition that line level Law Enforcement & MVA staff can employ without the need for forensic tools or expertise. AAMVA Official Use Only9FDR
Fraudulent Document Recognition – Level I 1.Introduction to Fraud 2.Security Features 3.Birth Certificates 4.Titles and Vehicle Identification Documents 5.Driver’s Licenses and Identification Cards 6.Travel Documents 7.Social Security Cards 8.Non-citizen and Legal Resident Documents 9.Military IDs 10.Canadian Travel, Citizenship, and immigration Documents 11.Canadian Birth Certificates, Driver’s Licenses and Vehicle Documents 12.Counterfeits and Alterations 13.People and Actions AAMVA Official Use Only 10 The FDR Level I product suite is broken down into 13 modules:FDR
Fraudulent Document Recognition – Level I KEY FACTOIDS: FDR (Levels I and II) are updated annually to keep current with the fast changing document environment. FDR Level 1’s courses range from 30 – 45 minutes each (including a knowledge assessment at the end of each lesson). The FDR training product became more flexible in March 2009 with the launch of the FDR e-learning product. Traditionally strictly a visual presentation, the 2012 FDR Release will include voice narration. AAMVA Official Use Only 11FDR
Fraudulent Document Recognition – Level II KEY FACTOIDS: FDR Level II courseware brings document examination to the next level by exploring the covert security features found in a variety of documents. Because of the sensitive nature of this advanced course material FDR Level II is available only to AAMVA member jurisdictions and law enforcement. AAMVA Official Use Only 12FDR
For more information, contact: Brian Ursino, Director of Law Enforcement