Lauren Booker Workplace Programme Manager How can you find out what impact alcohol is having on your workforce? What is the single most effective thing.


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Presentation transcript:

Lauren Booker Workplace Programme Manager How can you find out what impact alcohol is having on your workforce? What is the single most effective thing that employers can do to reduce the harm caused by alcohol in the workplace?

Why is alcohol a workplace issue? 500,000 people attend work each day with a hangover 14+ million sick days taken each year because of alcohol Men drinking more than 14 units a week are 20% more likely to be absent from work because of injury Annually, there are more than 80,000 convictions for drink driving

Alcohol use in Wales 42% of adults in report drinking above guidelines Alcohol accounts for 1,000 deaths each year 15% of hospital admissions are due to alcohol intoxication 400,000 working days per annum lost due to alcohol misuse The average cost to a company with 200 employees is over £30,000 per annum

Why is Alcohol Concern the right organisation? Over 20 years experience in reducing alcohol-related harm Nationally recognised and respected organisation Skills and expertise to implement programmes that change behaviour An opportunity to expand dissemination of alcohol policies, improve employee welfare and reduce costs

Norwich Union Healthcare Survey 33% of employees have been to work with a hangover 15% have been drunk at work 77% of employers see alcohol as a major threat to employee wellbeing and a factor in sickness absence

Impact of alcohol on health Mental health Stress and anxiety Disturbed sleep, fatigue Stomach, bowel and kidney problems Impaired cognitive function Effects with medication Depression Obesity Malnutrition Cancers Liver disease Dementia Dependence

Web-based Face to Face Products Programme for Change Intranet information Signposting Online screening Online advice Support via Mobile app 90-day online recovery programme Policy development Implementation support Manager training Staff awareness Health events Manual screening and brief advice Chubes Safety critical roles Behaviour change tool Cutting edge Complete programme Insight based Meeting specified aims Outcomes not outputs

Programme for Change Staff Health and Wellbeing Increase awareness of units, limits, risks Screen for risk/readiness to change Brief advice for change Offer support or signposting Reduce overall alcohol consumption Implement effective alcohol policies and practices

Programme for Change Productivity Increase employee engagement Reduce sickness absence Reduce presenteeism Increase productivity Improve staff morale Initiate sustainable, measurable change

Programme for Change Accidents, Health & Safety Reduce accidents Reduce drink driving Introduce and implement policies Reduce positive breath tests Meet legislative and governance requirements Reduce insurance costs (risk-based pricing)

Web basedFace to FaceProducts Improve wellbeing ✔✔ Support for recovery ✔ Manage absenteeism ✔✔✔ Reduce accidents ✔ Governance and legislation ✔✔ Increase productivity ✔✔✔ Policies and practices ✔✔✔ Behaviour change ✔✔✔

Designing for specific outcomes  Set parameters  Baseline data & success criteria Detail measures important to business. Staff roles/ functions/ locations Relevant HR records  Current impact on business  Develop tailored programme from phase 1 data Agree tools/ logistics Roll out of programme with business.  Business needs dictate the requirements.  The team designs interventions support to deliver a programme of awareness, engagement and support for staff.  From data points: systematic measurement, review of evidence and programme development in line with performance to date. InsightDevelop Implement Evaluate

Consultants 20+ experienced and qualified consultants and trainers Alcohol specialists Wide range of expertise Strategic, practitioner and clinical experience Insight, development, implementation and evaluation

How can an your organisation take part? Promote the campaign to staff for voluntary sign up. Organise team competitions Substitute alcohol at work events throughout the month. Use the campaign to get out healthy work messages. Sponsor the campaign and undertake joint PR & social media with Alcohol Concern.