Strategic Financial Task Force Info 1 Work in support of existing programs and services Work specific to the Strategic Plan Work that would support emerging opportunities RE$OURCES
Strategic Financial Task Force Objectives 2 Provide Financial awareness and education among volunteer leaders Provide desired targets for income sources/expense sources Understand HOW to align Strategic Priorities with available resources Provide methodologies for better business planning and tools for informed decision making
Financial Awareness and Education 3 Developed an Inventory of materials and proposed training owners Finance Committee and Treasurer now OWN this action with LCC/CLCC Continuous Awareness and Education can occur with volunteers based on new materials
Targets – Income Sources 4 Increase membership income – higher dues or more people with various levels dues and services Increase Conference fees Change Professional Development Model – members get ## free and then pay for additional Increase Publication income - includes other publications defined as Intellectual property Increase our ‘Technical Standards’ - provide Skilled Employees as consultants to others to provide services we are skilled at – research, leadership model Consider Other Income sources – regions/Sections for example for short term budgets
Targets – Expense Sources 5 Decrease Conference Expenses relative to income Review General and ADM expenses for reductions or capability of recovering costs (and tracking of recovery) Expense Note: Data clean up needed for identifying missing expenses Public affairs and other need to be tracked better
Institutionalizing – Tools/Capabilities 6 ToolsOwner Sources Action/timing Tracking ExcelTreasurer Maintain P and S forms to include Finance information and continue to focus on financial impactTreasurer with SPC chair Financial Information included in annual Program and Services reviewSPC chair Resource mapping to Strategic areas (document to share with BOD) Include Funds informationFinance Chair and TBD* Report - Resources by strategic areas - 3 year view - past year, current year, next year (unless timing drives to 2 years history and current year) for input for Strategic plan reviewFinance Chair and TBD* Budget mapping to CESSE areasFinance Chair Report - dollars by CESSE areas to compare to other orgsFinance Chair *Pending outcome of SWE Reserves Task Force
Report – dollars by area % avg total Actions – review scholarship (BAU?), add membership program item for 2012, define fixed vs variable if possible)
Annual Comparison – Income 8
Annual Comparison - Expense 9
Use of Tools 10 Provides Financial positioning Strategic areas Sources of income/expenses Defines comparative information for use in Strategic planning and for comparing to CESSE Need to do on an annual basis – prior to strategic planning and planning for FY+1 (including operating plan and budgets)
Strategic Planning 11 Include the strategic budget info for Strategic Plan Review (ASPR) agreed upon by SPC Update the strategic planning process to include financial info for objective planning agreed upon by SPC and they are identifying how to add in Understand how we are spending money today to drive where do we add/change Joan to write up a ‘script’ to use for the first year Understand the income/expense sources to define anything new as a result of strategic plan updates and assumptions Define what the Financial plan looks like within the Strategic Plan Defined it to be in the area by the goals/objectives using Strategic charts
12 Strategic Financial Planning Complete Task Force Deliverables Update training materials required for annual leadership training Inventory of materials Identify proposal for training Desired ‘targets’ for Income Sources Common mapping Identify suggested targets Desired ‘targets’ for Expense Sources (new deliverable added at BOD2) Common mapping Identify suggested targets Methodology for ongoing tracking and reporting for Programs and Service Financial information Updated P&SA form for FY11 assessment Review after P&SA for any updates/changes DONE
13 Strategic Financial Planning In-Process Task Force Deliverables Methodology for action tracking for Financial Plan (identified) Plan for February telecon Methodology defined for the Board to use for financial decision making (working) Plan for February telecon Methodology to track targets of Income Sources (Identified) All tracking to be done by April telecon Methodology for and understanding of SWE Financial goals and ongoing efforts (identified) Proposal by BOD3 Update Strategic Financial Plan (prior to BOD4) First draft by April telecon Final version approved by BOD4 Documented Strategic Financial Planning process that is integrated with the Strategic planning process (started) First draft by April telecon Final version approved by BOD4 Recommendations on improvements for financial planning and activities to the board (all above will cover) Provide to board on BOD4 Included in previous slides (almost done)