High School ELA February 16, 2016 GCSD Dr. Barbara Goggans
Learning Targets for today: Vocabulary is the best single indicator of intellectual ability and an accurate predictor of success at school. -- W.B. Elley Actively listen to a read-aloud Participate in a vocabulary strategy for instructional purposes Take away additional strategies for teaching vocabulary in our classrooms
Read aloud SCCCR ELA Reading Literary Text Standard 9: Interpret and analyze the author’s use of words, phrases and conventions, and how their relationships shape meaning and tone in print and multimedia texts. SCCCR ELA Communication Standard C1.3: Develop, apply, and adjust reciprocal communication skills and techniques with other students and adults.
Vocabulary Strategy: Instructions Once you have your vocabulary card, find three other people who have the same word as you. With this group, share the information on your card and try to come up with a definition for the word. Write this definition on the back of one of the cards. Look up the word in the dictionary (you can use your phone) to check your group definition. Find the circle poster with your word on it and have each member of the group fill in one part of the circle with the required information. (Dr. Goggans has markers ) **Fill in your word circles handout with the information each group has provided for each vocabulary word.
Vocabulary Do’s and Don’ts TopicWhat Doesn’t WorkWhat Works Numbers of words to learn at a time Expecting students to learn a list of words each week in a content area Expecting students to learn only the most important words that will improve academic success Guiding students in a process to self-select words to learn Use of dictionaries Looking up words in the dictionary Connecting words to prior knowledge Presenting definitions in terms of everyday knowledge Continuing to add to word meanings after each encounter in discussions, presentations, conversations Confirming definitions by using the dictionary Types of dictionaries to use Using standard dictionaries Using dictionaries, such as the CoBUILD English Language Dictionary (Collins, 1987) Expanding word meaning by... Relying only on the meanings of words Giving examples and nonexamples of the word Creating metaphors Creating analogies Classifying words Introducing words as general or specific terms Antonyms Synonyms Multiple meanings What Works and Doesn’t Work in Vocabulary Instruction
Vocabulary Strategies Because each new word has to be studied and learned on its own, the larger your vocabulary becomes, the easier it will be to connect a new word with words you already know, and thus remember its meaning. So your learning speed, or pace, should increase as your vocabulary grows. -- Johnson O'Connor
Thanks for being here! See you in April! “Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on Earth to do with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.” Vincent Van Gogh