NASA,CGMS-43 May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS NASA Space Weather Activities Presented to CGMS-43 Ad-hoc meeting on space weather, agenda item 2.3 Elsayed R. Talaat NASA Headquarters
NASA,CGMS-43 May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Research Observing systems and services Inter & intra-agency activities and support Space Weather at NASA
NASA,CGMS-43 May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Heliophysics System Observatory Heliophysics has 18 operating missions (on 29 spacecraft): Voyager, Geotail, Wind, SOHO, ACE, Cluster, TIMED, RHESSI, TWINS, Hinode, STEREO, THEMIS/ARTEMIS, AIM, CINDI, IBEX, SDO, Van Allen Probes, IRIS, MMS Competed research in Heliophysics – the science of space weather Research and analysis, theory and model, instrumentation technology, suborbital flights Living With a Star Develop space weather empirical and first principles models to enable nowcast and forecast capabilities Space Weather Research
NASA,CGMS-43 May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS NOAA POES NOAA GOES NASA ACE NASA SOHO L1 Primary Space Weather Satellites NOAA DSCOVR & NASA ACE –Solar wind composition, speed, and direction –Magnetic field strength and direction NASA SDO / SOHO –Solar EUV Images –Solar Corona (CMEs) NASA STEREO –CME Direction and Shape –Solar wind composition, speed, and direction –Magnetic field strength and direction NOAA GOES –Energetic Particles –Magnetic Field –Solar X-ray Flux –Solar X-Ray Images NOAA POES –High Energy Particles –Total Energy Deposition –Solar UV Flux NASA STEREO (Ahead) NASA STEREO (Behind) NASA SDO NASA Van Allen Probes –Energetic Particles –Magnetic Field NOAA DSCOVR
NASA,CGMS-43 May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Inter-agency activity NSWP, OSTP/OSTP, LWS Strategic Capabilities (NSF), CCMC (NOAA, NSF) Transition of research products to operational environment with NOAA and DoD Collaboration on data analysis from many sources of data Shared missions Interagency missions (C/NOFS, ) International missions (SOHO, Hinode) Real-time beacon data for space weather now-casting and forecasting by NOAA (ACE, SDO, Van Allen Probes, STEREO) International participation World Meteorological Organization, UN International Space Weather Initiative, International Living With a Star, COSPAR, UNCPUOUS NASA Missions Support Engineering design requirements and analysis Environment characterization Reimbursable development of operational space weather satellites on behalf of NASA’s interagency partners DSCOVR Inter & intra-agency activities and support