Mr. Cummings PE Specialist
Lake Hazel Middle Physical Education DEPARTMENT: ○ Mr. Cummings ○ Multi Fit ○ Mrs. Lergiet ○ 6 th Grade PE ○ Mrs. Horning ○ 8 th Grade PE ○ Ms. Rosslerova ○ 7 th grade PE
Respect to all that visit us! I will have several teachers from Boise State University through out the year. The student body will respect what lessons are being taught and adapt to the grading procedures through out their stay here at LHMS. I will also have professors and teachers coming in to LHMS- they want to see what we are doing. OTF will be stopping by along with some other public speakers. So please give our guest the up most respect during their time here at LHMS !
Mr. C Expectations I have one expectation: DO what is Appropriate! You all know what is wrong and what is right! Leading by the Cherokee Way: Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible Our Mission: Dedicated to Success
LHMS PE Procedures Heads Up Form- Loss of pts Step Referral Form- Loss of pts
Immediate Referral Form Student goes directly to the office. Parents are notified. Loss of points for the day.
Approved Clothing All students are required to wear their own LHMS PE uniform purchased from the student store. Grey or Yellow T-shirt Green gym shorts- that are not sagging! Footware: Shoes should be worn at all times! Dress shoes, Skate shoes or flip flops are shoes are unacceptable. Socks Solid color sweats & sweatshirts for colder days
Locks & Locker Room Expectations Students will be issued a lock and locker during the 1 st week of school. This is free and your responsibility to keep it clean and undamaged. All valuables must be locked up! Students will be charged $10.00 for a lost or damaged lock. Students will also be fined for damaged goods. Students should not give out their locker combinations or share lockers. Please read the locker room rules.
LOCKER ROOM SAFETY RULES At the end of the period, Please stay seated until you are excused by your teacher. Respect personal space by not sharing clothes or lockers. Remember: lock it up! The school district is not responsible for lost goods. Ask for permission to enter the office, stay behind the red tape until you are asked to come in by your teacher. Your goal for the year is to work with your classmates to make this locker room a pleasant place for everyone. Thanks from the P.E. Staff LHMS Running or chasing in the locker room is prohibited! Food, gum, beverages & glass are prohibited in the locker room. Snapping of shirts/towels at other students is prohibited. Throwing of shoes, books or other material is prohibited. Absolutely NO Playing in the shower!
Absences An absent make-up sheet is required for each day missed. The student has 10 days to receive full credit. After the 10days is done the student will receive half credit. Cut Off Date - the student will receive zero points as that is the dead line. This is a 20 day period to turn in make up forms. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain, complete and turn in the forms. They are located in the locker rooms and online at the LHMS web site under Michael Cummings Parent/Doctor note is needed to be excused for more than (3) days (daily points will be lost) Student will be active some way if he/she is not able to perform the daily activity. (ex-score keeper) Medical Excuses
Make-up Assignment for Absence/Absences Affects Dress & Participation Grade Students Name: ___________________________________ Class Period: _______________ Circle Your Teacher: Leriget HorningCummings Rosslerova Neser Today’s Date: _______________ Day (s) missed: ________________________ 30 minutes of physical activity for each day absent. Indicate what you did, how much time spent on the activity with parent/coach signature. It will make up points missed for participation & dress if you are absent. If unable to participate because of illness or injury, an article summary may be substituted. Article summary: Read a health or sports article from a magazine, newspaper, or the internet. Then summarize the article you read (tell what the article was about in your own words). The summary needs to be at least ½ page in length. If you know you will be absent, turn in before you leave. The deadline: Assignment will be accepted for full credit until the end of the instructional unit. After the instructional unit, late work that is turned in will be given half credit. Two weeks after the instructional unit will be the final deadline for turning in work for any credit. Any work turned in after that final deadline will receive a zero. Name of the Activity & Number of Min/Hours Completed for each day: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Coach:____________________________ Return this to your teacher! Thank you LHMS PE Staff
Multi-Fit Grading Procedure Fitness Participation- 60%(25 pts a day) Absences - 25 pts Tardy – 5pts Participation – pts based on effort & attitude ○ Attitude is everything! Fitness Testing-30% (120) points Each test completed is worth 20 points. 5 points will be added to the students score if they advance into the 85 th Percentile. Tests include: Push up, curl up, sit & reach, mile run, shuttle run & Beep Test. EOC Exams 10% (100) points Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible
Mondays: Cardio Focused – all about the heart! Tuesdays: Tabata / Crossfit –competitions! Wednesdays: Speed work/Core/ Agility days These days are based on how hard you work! Thursdays: Activities Fridays: Activities Activites: ultimate Frisbee, 3v3 bball tourney, kick ball tourney, hand ball, 7v7 football tourney, badminton tourney, tennis tourney and much more. Physical Education Weekly Agenda
Thank you!!!!! If you have any Questions please come talk to Mr. Cummings! Remember: you are in charge of your health! Please visit Mr. Cummings Shared Point on the LHMS website for calendar dates, documents and any other information for this class.