Institutional Repositories and Disciplinary Repositories: The IR Horizon Stacy Righini, Social Science Research Network
The Birth of the Internet (1983) Tim Berners-Lee wrote the First Web Page (1990) arXiv Launched by Paul Ginsparg (1991) Self-archiving first proposed by Stevan Harnad (1994) The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is launched (1999) MIT Releases DSpace (2002) First University Level OA Mandate Queensland University (2003) Other US Universities Follow in Mandating OA policies (2008) Important Dates in the Open Access and Institutional Repository Movement “Innkeeper at the Roach Motel” written by Dorothea Salo (2007) Columbia University Joins NEEO (2009) Harvard Launches DASH (2009)
Wordle created from OpenDOAR US Repository List
Most IRs reside in universities providing valuable services to faculty, researchers, and administrators who want to archive research, historic, and creative materials.
Universities and research institutions became aware that they were losing valuable digital and print materials.
A primary motivation for this electronic initiative was to level the research playing field, by providing equal and timely access to new research results to researchers all over the globe and at all levels... ~ Paul Ginsparg, arXiv
The Scholarly Communication Life Cycle Collaboration and Discoverability Phase 1: Data Collection, Research, and Analysis Phase 2: Authoring Phase 3: Publication and Dissemination Phase 4: Storage, Archiving and Preservation
Harvard’s Institutional Repository Launched Harvard's leadership in open access to scholarship took a significant step forward this week with the public launch of DASH—or Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard—a University-wide, open-access repository. More than 350 members of the Harvard research community, including over a third of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, have jointly deposited hundreds of scholarly works in DASH. "DASH is meant to promote openness in general," stated Robert Darnton, Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the University Library. "It will make the current scholarship of Harvard's faculty freely available everywhere in the world, just as the digitization of the books in Harvard's library will make learning accumulated since 1638 accessible worldwide. Taken together, these and other projects represent a commitment by Harvard to share its intellectual wealth." Institutional Repository News THE WORLD’S FAVORITE NEWSPAPER September 1, 2009 “It will make the current scholarship of Harvard's faculty freely available everywhere in the world… [this] represent[s] a commitment by Harvard to share its intellectual wealth."
Roach Motels and Silos In Fall of 2007, Dorothea Salo, University of Wisconsin Digital Repository Librarian, wrote Innkeeper at the Roach Motel expounding on the many challenging issues faced by Institutional Repositories. No money in your budget? Incompatible software? Don’t worry about it, give me your content and I’ll keep it all to myself.
Researchers Who Are We? Systems Analysts Data Curators Repository Librarians Programmers Disciplinary Repositories Metadata Librarians Grant Administrators Are we Working Together?
Solutions Moreover, as funder mandates such as the National Institutes of Health become more numerous and cumbersome, a campus service automating the deposit process into disciplinary repositories (and incidentally snagging a copy for the institutional repository) should make friends quickly among beleaguered faculty. ~Salo 2007 Better Service
Columbia University Joins European Economics Consortium Columbia University became the first U.S. institution to join the Network of European Economists Online (NEEO), an international economics research project. Led by the Nereus Consortium of European economics research libraries, NEEO is building Economists Online—a repository bringing together premier institutions’ economic research into a single portal. "Columbia is pleased to join Nereus and NEEO, and to have this opportunity to participate in the development of Economists Online, a service that takes advantage of the work we’re doing to build Academic Commons," said Patricia Renfro, Deputy University Librarian and Associate Vice President for Digital Programs and Technology Services. Institutional Repository News THE WORLD’S FAVORITE NEWSPAPER February 12, 2009 "Columbia is pleased to join Nereus and NEEO, and to have this opportunity to participate in the development of Economists Online, a service that takes advantage of the work we’re doing to build Academic Commons," said Patricia Renfro, Deputy University Librarian and Associate Vice President for Digital Programs and Technology Services.
Service Global Dissemination and Exposure CDRS prepares working papers and secures new content, including citations from current Columbia economics faculty work from the past ten years. Deposits Faculty Research into Digital Commons Provides Automatic Harvest to Disciplinary Repository
Credits: Images / Thank You to: Gregg Gordon for His Input and Help An Extra Special Thank You to: Dorothea Salo for her out of the box thinking and perseverance in her work! “Vive le IR!”