1.A ___________ was an investigative journalist who revealed social conditions or political corruption. 2.Upton Sinclair wrote _____ ____________. 3._____________ believed that urbanization and industrialization had created many social problems. 4.Under the ___________ plan, city governments would be divided into departments under the control of an expert. 1 What will we learn today? What will we learn today? Effects of industrialization on living and working conditions (also The Jungle) Corporate mergers that produced trusts and cartels; economic policies of industrial leaders Political programs and activities of the Progressives Unit: Progressivism
Pick a Partner Pick someone reliable who will do their fair share of work BIG project coming Get up and go sit next to them. People with no partners, go sit on the right side of the room.
Newspaper Project Create a full sized, single sheet newspaper –One side for Ch. 3: Industrial Revolution –One side for Ch. 5: The Progressive Era Work with a partner and divide the work Worth an enormous 100 points A lot of work, but all based on stuff you know.
Split up the work Pick nine total articles each No one does all of one side; must be evenly divided. Choose at least four items from each side
Fun Facts Industrial Revolution: Progressive Era: Mr. Mills is OCD, so make sure everything is perfect. Fitting all the words is a challenge. Plan accordingly. Write to the bottom! No white space. You can fit a lot more if you were to go to the website, download the.doc file and type it out. No stick figures! Must use color. Newspaper pieces can be found online at my website. Go there to type them out (if you want). You can fit more in each article this way. HIGHLIGHT the vocab words in each article.
The Century While you work