By: Jonathan Flores and Ezekiel Betito
Date of Birth: January 21, 1738 in Litchfield, CT. Date of death: February 12, 1789 in Burlington, VT. Home state: Vermont Ethan Allen died on his farm along the Winooski River in the still independent Republic of Vermont. He died two years before Vermont became the Union’s fourteenth state.
Ethan Allen married a women named Mary Brownson and had five children. Lorain: Born in 1763, who died of consumption. Joseph: Born in 1765, who died of small pox in Lucy Caroline: Born in 1768 died in Mary Ann: Born in 1772, who died the year after her father. Pamela: Born in 1779, who died at the age of thirty. Ethan's father died in 1755, preventing Ethan from going to Yale to continue his education, a disappointment he felt throughout his life.
Ethan Allen married another wife named Fanny and had three children. Fanny Margaret the 2 nd : Born in 1784, and died in Hannibal: Born 18 months and later died in Ethan the 2 nd : Born in 1787, and died in He had five brothers: Heman, Heber, Levi, Zimri, and Ira. He also had two sisters named Lydia and Lucy. In 1796 Ira went to France to buy guns and ammo for the state of Vermont. While he was coming back he was captured and taken to England and Ira battled the courts of England for eight years.
He attempted to take Montreal (September 1775), in the process of which he was captured by the British and held prisoner until May 6, He raised his force of Green Mountain Boys and Connecticut troops and helped capture the British fort at Ticonderoga during the American Revolution. He was a military leader, soldier, frontiersman, and he was also an author.
He was a Revolutionary war hero and key founder of the Republic of Vermont. Ethan Allen became the colonel commandment of the Green Mountain Boys. Green Mountain Boys: A milita organization first established in the late 1760s in the territory between British provinces of New York and New Hampshire, known as the New Hampshire Grants which later became the state of Vermont.
Achieved a place in history by capturing Fort Ticonderoga in The congress gave Ethan Allen the rank of Colonel. Early on May 10 th, Fort Ticonderoga was easily captured by the American Colonies and his Green Mountain Boys. He returned to Vermont and was honored as the major general in the Vermont militia. Ethan Allen is honored with a historic Allen site and his farmhouse in Burlington is open for visitors daily.
It was created in southwestern Vermont. Made up of men from Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. The leaders of the group were Ethan Allen, Ira, their cousins Seth Warner and Remember Baker. When the American Revolution started in 1775 the Green Mountain Boys marched north to attack and later captured The British fort, which was the Americans first win. They also taken over Crown Point in New York. Vermont became it’s own state also because of the Green Mountain Boys.
"Ethan Allen." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Web. 7 Oct "Ethan Allen Is Born." A&E Television Networks, Web. 7 Oct Fox, Geoffrey. "WHO ARE THE GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS?" WHO ARE THE GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS. Web. 8 Oct