1 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5pt Structure ContractionResponses Smooth Muscle Cardiac Muscle/Misc
2 Layers of dense connective tissue surrounding/separating muscle
3 Fascia
4 Broad fibrous sheets attached to other muscles
5 Aponeuroses
6 Connected to periosteum of bones
7 Tendons
8 Protein that makes up thick filaments of myofibrils
9 Myosin
10 Zone in the middle of A bands consisting of myosin filaments only
11 H zone
12 Shortening of sarcomeres and pulling of the muscle against its attachments
13 Muscle contraction
14 Element necessary for myosin crossbridge attachment to actin
15 Calcium
16 Enzyme involved in provision of energy for crossbridges
17 ATPase
18 Neurotransmitter essential to initiate muscle contraction
19 Acetylcholine
20 Stores excess energy released by the mitochondria, and regenerates ATP from ADP & Phosphate
21 Creatine phosphate
22 Minimal strength of stimulus to cause a fiber to contract
23 Threshold stimulus
24 Sustained muscular contraction lacking any relaxation
25 Tetany
26 Achieved by a continuous state of sustained contraction of motor units within a muscle
27 Muscle tone
28 Decrease in size of a muscle
29 Muscle Atrophy
30 What increases in muscular hypertrophy
31 Size of muscle fibers
32 Do smooth muscle fibers have striations?
33 No
34 Two types of smooth muscles
35 Multiunit and Visceral
36 Type of smooth muscle found in iris of the eye
37 Multiunit
38 Type of smooth musle that is responsible for peristalsis in hollow organs and tubes
39 Visceral
40 Two neurotransmitters which stimulate or inhibit smooth muscle contraction, depending on the target muscle
41 Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine
42 Name of membrane junctions that join cardiac muscle cells
43 Intercalated Disks
44 Reason why cardiac muscles can contract for longer periods
45 Transverse tubules supply extra calcium
46 Term used to describe the contraction of cardiac muscle, with regard to its “beat”
47 Rhythmic
48 Immovable end of a skeletal muscle
49 Origin
50 Skeletal muscle doing most of the work out of a group of muscles
51 Prime Mover