Health Care Careers I Types of Acute Care Hospitals
Woman’s Hospital Childbirth Care for gynecological diseases
Pediatric Hospital Birth – 21 years Specific training: Some required and other recommended Competence VERY important Neonate: Birth – 6 weeks > These sick ones are in an NICU > Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Specially training caregivers
Cardiac Intervention Centers A relatively new unit Care for heart problems
Trauma Centers Highly skilled and trained personnel Advanced diagnostic equipment May have a helipad > A landing area designated for a helicopter that transports patients to the hospital There are Federal, State, and Local rules and regulations for construction of helipads
Emergency Room Highly trained personnel Life-saving equipment Trained trauma team Life-threatening & limb threatening care
Services Provided by Cardiac Intervention Centers Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory > “Cath Lab” > Usually perform heart cath’s and angioplasty (balloon inflated to open up blocked vessel) Critical Care Unit Deal with patients with heart disease ICU/Step-down units
Cardiac Centers, cont’d Transitional Care Unit TCU or DOU (Direct Observation Unit) Telemetry: > Monitoring heart rhythm Cardiac Rehabilitation Services: > Assist with learning proper exercise, diet, counsel, stress relievers Surgical suites: Open heart surgery & heart transplants
Terms Cardiac Disease: > Anything that affects the heart or heart vessels Coronary: > Referring to the heart > Coronary vessels are those that supply the heart itself with blood and oxygen MI: Myocardial Infarction > AKA: Heart Attack > myo – muscle cardo – heart infarct sudden stopping of blood supply > Caused by blockage of one or more coronary arteries
More Medical Terms -ectomy “removal of” Appendectomy : > Removal of appendix Cholecystectomy: > Removal of gallbladder Hysterectomy: > Removal of uterus Pneumo- “lung”
Even More Medical Terms Oncology: > -ology: “study of” > onco- : “cancer” Hepatitis: > -it is : “inflammation” > hepato- “liver” AIDS: > Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Medical Terminology Sentences Temperature, pulse and respirations four times a day > TPR qid Two drops twice a day > 2 gtts bid One cubic centimeter intramuscularly > 1 cc IM
Sentences Blood pressure every four hours while awake > BP q 4 hrs W/A Two ounces orange juice four times a day after meals and at bedtime > 2 oz OJ QID pc hs Weight and height every other day in the morning > Wt and Ht qod in the am Bedrest with bathroom privileges only > BR c BRP only
Sentences, cont’d Do the electrocardiogram in the intensive care unit > Do the ECG/EKG in the ICU One tablet three times a day and at bedtime > 1 tab tid hs To Physical Therapy by wheelchair for range of motion and activities of daily living twice a day > To PT by W/C for ROM and ADL’s bid
Prefixes in Medical Terminology brady- : > Slow mal- : > Bad dys- : > Difficult eu- : > Good micro- : > Small oligo- > Scant or small amount pseudo- > False ab- > Away ad- > Towards epi- > Above or top
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