Race Analysis Easter4 Day 1 M21E Jan Kocbach
EASTER4 DAY 1 M21E: MISTAKES VS BASE SPEED Bejmer has significantly higher base speed than others Sainio, Kirmula, Aslaksen with approx same base speed (3rd fastest) – amount mistakes varies
EASTER4 DAY 1 M21E: MISTAKES PER LEG AMONG TOP15 Biggest mistakes on leg 2, 8, 15 – then 16, 9, 17
EASTER4 DAY 1 M21E: TIMELOSS PER LEG AMONG TOP15 Biggest mistakes on leg 2, 9, 16 (longer legs)
EASTER4 DAY 1: TIME LOSS WINNER M21E Biggest timeloss 23 seconds on leg 13
EASTER4 DAY 1: TIME LOSS ANALYSIS FOR LEONHARDT 2. MATTHIAS LEONHARDT +4:23 Biggest mistake on leg 16 Some timeloss due to lower base speed
EASTER4 DAY 1: TIME LOSS ANALYSIS FOR SAINIO 3. SANTERI SAINIO +5:24 Biggest mistake on leg 16 Most of timeloss due to lower base speed
Many loose some time on first control. Diffuse terrain if you keep too far right EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 1
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 2 – Part 1 Element of routechoice to 2nd control. Straight & right are similar. Difficult to see control, you need 100% control
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 2 – Part 2 Example mistakes at 2nd control – full control at stone-wall crossing, then trust yourself 100% is key for success here
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 2 – Part 3 Example mistake at 2nd control – full control at stone-wall crossing, then trust yourself 100% is key for success here
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 3 Some routechoice to 3rd control. Looks like using the paths is faster
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 3 – Part 2 Sample timeloss by not being accurate into the 3rd control. Can loose seconds many places if not good plan & execution
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 4 Short 4th leg proved tricky for some. Key is to keep right to avoid the more diffuse terrain
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 7 Route choice to 7th control – small time differences. Right on the paths might be a very good choice here
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 8 – Part 1 Example of how you need to avoid the most stony areas to save time. Need to be thorough all the way in this terrain type.
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 8 – Part 2 Kirmula did few big mistake – the one on number 8 was main weak spot.
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 9 Fraser again goes around – loses some seconds, but this is one of the legs were going around can be beneficial
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 10 Kirmula around to 10 – loses some seconds, but this is another leg were going around can be beneficial
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 12 Compare Huttunen with Leonhardt: Example of area where you can be unlucky and lose significant time which can not be read directly from map
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 13 – Part 1 Kirmula around to 13 – one of the best legs to go around on. Note that around is not on a path, but along stone wall in white forest
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 13 – Part 2 Kirmula around to 13 – one of the best legs to go around on..
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 13 – Part 3 Fraser’s route to 13 looks too long
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 15 Leg 15: Green II versus stony area. Green II is faster here, as shown by Parjanne’s route to the left
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 16 Leonhardt’s mistake is on the 16th control – nearly 2 minutes lost
EASTER4 DAY 1: GPS ANALYSIS LEG 18 Route choice leg to 18th control. Looks like straight variants are definitely the best ones