N. Hammersley “The Body of Christ” Old Greek idea to represent the universe (Stoic imagery …easily understood) Paul’s conversion –“why do you persecute me” Christ and the Church one and the same. Acts 9:4, 7
N. Hammersley “The Body of Christ” FELLOWSHIP- KOINONIA When individuals put themselves first then Disunity. Spiritual gifts come from ONE source- the same source.
N. Hammersley Leadership Need for proper leadership-Acts 14:22;20:17-30 Paul an Apostle Gal1:5-9 He has a God given authority Roman Empire as an image of authority/ Hierarchy But Paul uses a Charismatic model –1.Authority with God –2.God appoints leaders (no vote)
N. Hammersley Leadership Head of the Body “Jesus is Lord” 1Cor12:3- Church belongs to God and people Led by the Spirit –If Christians guided by the Spirit then “Harmony and Peace” 1Cor14:33 Partners in Ministry- list in 1Cor12:27-31, Apostles, prophets etc; God’s society no race, gender, economic status
N. Hammersley Life in the Body Eye cannot be a hand but ALL essential If one part is damaged then all feel / affected by it. All members are;- INDISPENSIBLE DIFFERENT EQUAL but RESPONSIBILITY to each other RESPONSIBLE
N. Hammersley INDISPENSIBLE – 1 Cor 14:26-33, all have own charisms and must use them 1Cor 12:7 DIFFERENT –Different personalities but all enhance the Church 1Cor 12:4-28 EQUAL – important whatever the gift and equally important 1Cor 12:27-31 – but RESPONSIBILITY! RESPONSIBLE – to the whole body and outsiders 1Cor 12:26 – one part praised then all reflect. To build up and create.
N. Hammersley KOINONIA – Fellowship – Relationship