1 1 Mitch Krishna Satellite VoIP - IP80 SIP Trunks
5 Mode 104 & 108
6 VoIP Introduction Aria IP-60 VoIP Setup This document explains the configuration that is required on LG LDK – Ericsson PBX systems when SIP trunks are configured using Sip trunks. Incoming and outgoing calls were tested. Test set-up configuration The following information was received from the service provider (Goldtel): SIP / PROXY Register IP : SIP Port no.: 5060 User name: Password: XXXXXXXXXX Codec: G.729 PBX system tested LG LDK60 Extension range = 100 – 147 VOIM module = Slot 10 SIP trunks = lines 4 – 11 MPB Firmware = GS88P – XC.8Af April/11 VOIB Firmware = GS88H-B – VOIB_B3Da PC admin = GSNAD – C.9EH
7 Mode140
8 4) PGM 141 a) Put (VoIP) lines 4 – 11 in grp 1
9 5) PGM 143 a) DID conversation type = 1 b) DID remove no. = 0 c) ISDN ENBLK send = on d) COLP & Clip index = 00 e) Call Type = Subscriber a) DID conversation type = 1 b) DID remove no. = 0 c) ISDN ENBLK send = on d) COLP & Clip index = 00 e) Call Type = Subscriber
10 Mode 111 a) EXTNS 100 – 147 SIP ID user table = 1
11 PGM 114 Clip LCD display = on
12 PGM 340 – VOIB settings
13 Mode 341