Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 What to learn in Graduate School “The expectations for careers in academia and industry are very similar: a broad physics background, the proven ability for independent research, and effective communication skills.”
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 What can you do with a degree in physics? Academic research at a university or national lab Industrial research Scientific Journalism Finance, statistics Teaching (decent salaries too!) Scientific policy Medical physics Forensic physics (law enforcement and investigation) Scientific outreach and public education
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 Industrial Employers of PhD Physics Recipients (AIP 1998)
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 NSCL Alumni
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 Industrial Employers of PhD Physics Recipients (AIP 1998) Luke Chen Sr. Scientist/Sr. Software Design Engineer Lorenz A. Kull President and COO (retired) Robert Doering Senior Fellow and Research Strategy Manager Sally Gaff Ejakov Product Development Engineer John S. Boyno R&D Productivity Manager (retired)
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 AIP Survey
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 Skills
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 Nuclear Science “Students considered learning communications skills, teamwork, and collaboration as important parts of their graduate education.”
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 Important Skills As discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, the 1995 report by the Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy of the National Academies recommended a number of actions to revitalize the doctoral training of scientists and engineers and to increase its effectiveness [COSEPUP]. In particular, the report discussed the importance of a number of job skills that would be needed in the workplace and that should be included in doctoral education. These included working in a team, collaboration with another person, undertaking interdisciplinary research or study, learning organizational or managerial skills, developing communications and presentation skills, and attending grant-writing and career development workshops.
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 Student Ratings of Skills
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 Overall Satisfaction “Throughout the educational process, students appear to be gaining most of the skills essential to work successfully as nuclear scientists, educators, and contributors in related fields.”
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 Organization and Management Skills “The most negative—albeit not strongly negative— response was to the statement that they received useful training in organization, management, and other areas of career development. The near-neutral response to this statement may indicate that the respondents felt they are acquiring career development skills at an adequate level, but that their advisers did not emphasize this aspect of their training.”
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 Advice to Beginning Graduate Students
Michael Thoennessen Graduate Student Seminar April 5, 2010 What does it mean? Take advantage of resources Take the lead in organizing your thesis experiment Give a research discussion (remember the offer to videotape your practice talk) Write a paper as soon as possible Project management class by Prof. Mantica in the fall: CEM985, Tuesdays 4-5:50pm, BPS1420 Take initiative to plan for future career Discuss career plans with advisor or the ADE Contact alumni if appropriate Consult with advisor to learn more specialized skills