Organising Open Educational Resources: OOER Harnessing expertise and sharing good practice to promote change (Subject Strand) April 2010 London Suzanne Hardy Project Manager & MEDEV Senior Advisor Dr Megan Quentin-Baxter Project Director & MEDEV Director Newcastle University Conference
Subject strand projects 1.LLAS (Southampton), ENG (Royal Holloway), PRS (Leeds), HCA (Warwick): The HumBox project 2.ICS (Ulster): Open educational repository in support of computer science 3.Engineering (Loughborough): Open educational resources pilot 4.UKCME (Liverpool): CORE-Materials: collaborative open resource environment – for materials 5.Economics (Bristol): TRUE - Teaching Resources for Undergraduate Economics 6.Physical Sciences (Hull/Liverpool): Skills for scientists 7.GEES (Plymouth): C-change in GEES: Open licensing of climate change and sustainability resources in the geography, earth and environmental sciences 8.ADM (Brighton): Open Educational Resources in Art, Design and MediaMSOR (Nottingham Trent): FETLAR (Finding electronic teaching learning and assessment resources) 9.Bioscience (Leeds): An Interactive laboratory and fieldwork manual for the biosciences 10.UKCLE (Warwick): Simulation learning resources 11.HSaP (KCL): Public health open resources in the university sector (PHORUS) 12.C-SAP (Birmingham): Evaluating the practice of collective endeavour in opening up key resources for learning and teaching in the social sciences 13.MEDEV (Newcastle): Organising open educational resources (OOER)
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OOER: iterative improvement cycle
OOER: readiness categorisation pyramid
OOER: toolkits Available to use from
Patient and non-patient consent We have found that we need to consent everything – even where provenance is clear –Patients, their carers/families, members of the public –Care workers, receptionists, police –Role players, actors, students –Identifiable and non-identifiable materials –Publishers’ materials Working with the GMC to revise their consent guidelines (used by all of healthcare) Needs sophisticated take-down policies
Metadata Jorum Open MEDEV Etc. Resource Jorum Open MedEdPortal MEDEV YouTube Slideshare Flickr Etc. News Twitter HEA JISC Etc. PIMPS* example cc by-sa o&feature=channel_page *Put in many places & syndicate
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cc by-nc-sa HEA/JISC HEFCEHEIs Individuals
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Acknowledgements: project partners Bedfordshire University Cardiff University Imperial College Keele University London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Newcastle University Queen’s University Belfast Royal Veterinary College St George’s University of London University of Aberdeen University of Bristol University of Edinburgh University of Liverpool University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Southampton University of Warwick Intute: Health and Life Sciences
Acknowledgements Gillian Brown, Advisor (Education) Victor Ottaway, Centre Manager James Outterside, Advisor (Information) Sharon Percy, Centre Secretary Nigel Purcell, Senior Advisor (Education) Chris Smith, Project Assistant Vicky Thomas, Secretarial Assistant Lindsay Wood, Project Officer All the legal teams at partner HEIs Programme staff at JISC and HEA Synthesis and evaluation team esp. Helen Beetham
Call: cc some rights reserved Stefan Baudy
OOER value statement: References Li Yuan, Sheila MacNeil and Wilbert Kraan. Open Educational Resources – Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education. JISC CETIS Catherine Fleming and Moira Massey. Jorum Open Educational Resources (OER) Report Marshall S. Smith. Opening Education. Science. 89 ; Giving Knowledge for Free: the Emergence of Open Educational Resources. OECD WM-Share Final Report. WM-Share Lou McGill, Sarah Currier, Charles Duncan, Peter Douglas. Good Intentions: improving the evidence base in support of sharing and learning materials. McGill et al
References CHERRI, Ellaway, R. et al GMC patient consent guidance _index.asp _index.asp