Programme Competitiveness Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness
contents Presentation contents Basic information about the Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness Programme objectives Priority axes Connection to other OPs Types of projects Chart of the project cycle Entities implementing the OPEC Contact data and further information 2
Programme Competitiveness Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness The total volume of funds for the OPEC amounts to roughly EUR 2.15 billion EU funds (ESF) correspond to 85% of the amount (roughly EUR 1.83 billion) sources of the state budget of the Czech Republic represent 15% of the amount (roughly EUR 0.32 billion) OPEC is a long-term thematic operational programme in the competence of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports OPEC focuses on the human resources development through various kinds of education with emphasis on a complex system of lifelong learning, creation of environment conducive to research, development and innovation activities, and stimulation of cooperation between participating subjects 3
4 Global objective Development of the knowledge society to foster the competitiveness of the Czech Republic through modernization of systems of initial, tertiary and further education, their interconnection into a complex system of lifelong learning and improvement of conditions in research and development. Specific objective 1 Development and improvement of the initial education with emphasis on the key competences of graduates in order to improve their labour market prospects and to motivate them for further education. Specific objective 2 Innovation in the area of tertiary education in order to interlink it with research and development, to foster flexibility and creativity of graduates able to work in the knowledge economy, to make conditions for research and development more attractive, and to develop complex and efficient tools that would support the innovation process as a whole. Specific objective 3 Strengthening the adaptability and flexibility of human resources as the main factor for competitiveness and sustainable development of the Czech Republic through support of further education on the side of the offer and demand. Priority axis 1 Initial education (without the Capital City of Prague) Priority axis 2 Tertiary education, research and development (without the Capital City of Prague) Priority axis 3 Further education (without the Capital City of Prague) Priority axis 4 Systemic framework of lifelong education (including Prague) Specific objective 4 Creating a modern, high- quality and efficient system of lifelong education through the development of a system of initial, tertiary and further education including the interconnection of individual parts of the system of lifelong education. objectives Programme objectives
axes Priority axes 5
Initial education Priority axis 1: Initial education Areas of support 1.1 Increasing quality in education 1.2 Equal opportunities for children and pupils including those with special educational needs 1.3 Further education for employees of schools and educational institutions 1.4 Improving conditions for education at primary schools Grant beneficiaries (e.g.) Regions and municipalities Schools and educational institutions Colleges and universities Non-governmental organizations Trade unions and employers’ associations, professional and trade associations Organizations offering leisure-time activities for children and youth 6
Tertiary education, research and development Priority axis 2:Tertiary education, research and development Areas of support 2.1 Higher professional education 2.2 College education 2.3 Human resources in research and development 2.4 Partnership and networks Grant beneficiaries (e.g.) Higher trade schools Colleges and universities (all types) Public research institutes; Regions and municipalities Healthcare centres; Non-governmental organisations 7
Further education Priority axis 3: Further education Areas of support 3.1 Individual further education 3.2 Supporting offer of further education Grant beneficiaries (e.g.) Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports Educational institutions Colleges and universities Non-governmental organisations 8
Systemic framework of lifelong education Priority axis 4:Systemic framework of lifelong education Areas of support 4.1 Systemic framework of initial education Grant beneficiaries Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports Czech School Inspectorate 9
Technical assistance Priority axis 5:Technical assistance Areas of support 5.1 Programme management, control, monitoring and evaluation 5.2 Programme awareness and publicity 5.3 Absorption capacity of subjects implementing the programme Grant beneficiaries MŠMT 13 Czech regions 10
other OPs Connection to other OPs OP Research and Development for Innovations It supplements OPEC with ERDF funds for investment support so the two types of projects can be combined. OP Enterprise and Innovation OPEC will create conditions for efficient education of corporate employees (with a systemic approach to further education) OP Human Resources and Employment Synergy of both programmes, which brings the quality of educational system and graduates in harmony with the needs and requirements of the labour market As regards the development of the system of further education, OPHRE focuses on the growth in employment and on the acquisition and improvement of skills for the respective job OP Environment It supplements OPEC with ERDF funds meant for development of infrastructure for environmental education, consultancy and awareness OP Prague – Adaptability It supplements OPEC with educational activities in Prague 11
of projects Types of projects 12 Individual projects (IP) (in Priority axes 1, 2, 3, 4) national (IPn)other (IPo) prepared by MŠMT, prepared and executed all-state level by other institutions at regional and supraregional level global grants global grants (GG) (in Priority axes 1 and 3) grant projects (GP) announced and administered by the region executed e.g. by schools, educational institutions at regional level
project cycle Chart of the project cycle 13
the OPEC Entities implementing the OPEC 14 Managing Authority MŠMT MF AB OPEC monitoring committee Beneficiary (GP) Beneficiary ( Ipo ) Beneficiary ( Ipn ) Beneficiary (GP) Intermediating entitities (regions) GG MF PCB
and further information Contact details and further information contact address Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports OPEC management department / CERA department Karmelitská 7, Prague, address other information