East Midlands Healthcare Workforce Deanery Managing Trainees A School Perspective Dr J Greiff
Key School Advantages In Managing Trainees on Rotations 1. Allows delivery of college curricula within a wide area and permits trusts to deliver part of curricula whilst the rest in another trust(s) whilst the school maintains an overview. 2. Allow Consistent Protocols for assessment and management of trainees in difficulty within the specialty and between trusts.
Trainee In Difficulty 1 –Trainees identified early with educational supervisor and other input to rectify problems and support trainee. –Schools develop a wide experience of particular training and professional issues within a specialty and can identify trainees and ensure appropriate action throughout the trainees education. –Access to regional support such as the Clinical Professional Support Unit [in Leicester] where problem more serious or persists.
Trainee In Difficulty 2 –Reciprocal use of other independent Schools to assess serious clinical performance issues/solutions and as possible alternate training location. –Links with trust clinical risk teams. –Patient safety is paramount and the School Training Committee structure ensures relevant information is passed to trainers and trusts when trainees rotate.
Curriculum Developments –School clinical educators and educational supervisors trained in newer assessment techniques and ensures educator training is relevant to specialty.
Less than Full Time Trainees –Management of trainees wishing to be LTFT can be an issue and Schools have a greater capacity to match trainees to facilitate these trainees
Educational Strategy And Schools –EMHWD anaesthetic one formed in 2006 –Allows management of training courses and goals through out all the school enabling more efficient use of resources. –Management of Schools Study Leave Policy, Courses classified as ‘Essential’, ‘Desirable’ and ‘Non Essential’ –The Where and the How [Within the trusts of the School] –Improved Regional Training Leading to Improved Local Training Leading to Improved Multi-professional Training
ARCP/RITA –Co-ordinated by the School –Educational report informing process from educational supervisor. –Quality checks from external and Lay representation again co-ordination via school and deanery.
Educational Supervisors –Identifying Labels [College tutors, Module Leaders, educational supervisors.] –We have a total of 160 trainees throughout the school/sub schools. Identified 32 Educational Supervisors [Max 5 trainees per supervisor] –Training Provided for role via school, college and on-line. –Educational Supervisors delivered trainee report to inform the ARCP and in providing feedback/support to the trainee ARCP process with help from School in trainees with difficulties.
Resources –Administrative and operational support for school –Dedicated school administrative links to trusts and deanery [Education purchaser] –Identified dedicated time for ‘key’ school members [TPD/HOS] –Educational supervisor roles recognised by trusts/deanery in job plans [PA/SPA] –Management of trainees is done in partnership between Schools, Trusts, Colleges and Deaneries
Training Delivery ST1ST2ST3-7Totals Direct Entry Anaesthesia ACCS Anaesthesia Entry trainee6612 ACCS Other Specialties6612 Dual CCT Critical care55 TOTAL Career +ACCS Plus at ST3+ Level 5 MOD Trainees and 3 Boundary realignments from Oxford and 5 Less than full time trainees = 161
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