Promoting health and empowering patients is a very important part of a Health Care Support Worker’s (HCSW) role (WAG 2010). Health promotion not only helps patients to control their own lives but also stops/delays possible admissions to hospital. The World Health Organisation (WHO) (1986) defines health promotion as, the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their own health. Health promotion helps to empower patients, this is an essential part of nursing care where the intention is to increase the individuals power in order to help them gain control over their own health. Rodwell (1996) said that nurses/ HCSW’s cannot empower patients, patients can only empower themselves. So from this HCSW’s can facilitate the learning of others and give patients confidence by giving their knowledge and advice and the patient can then empower themselves from this help. There are endless qualities, skills and knowledge needed to be an ambassador of health promotion, here are just a few: Qualities a HCSW should possess during health promotion; Be approachable- so that patients feel they can approach, confide and trust in you Be empathetic- be understanding and put yourself in the patients shoes (RCN 2008) Promotes dignity and respect (RCN 2008, WAG 2010) Promotes confidentiality (WAG 2010, RCN 2008) Acknowledges the patient- think about the patient wants, needs and aspirations (WAG 2010) Skills needed to be an ambassador of health promotion: Empowering patients- give patients confidence to look after themselves Good communication skills- in order to communicate effective health promotion Set realistic goals- don’t scare patient away with unrealistic targets Knowledge needed to promote health: Accountability Delegation Health promotion Subject area It also states that a Person should be treated as an individual, Independence should be promoted to self care and to assist service users to exercise their rights and make informed choices about their care. All of which should be exercised Whilst promoting health. Holistic Care When promoting health it is vital that the HCSW thinks Holistically About the patient, this means thinking about the patient as A whole rather than one specific problem. Holistic care must focus on the immediate and potential future needs and Should consider the psychological, social, emotional, Physical and spiritual needs of the patents (margereson and Trenoweth 2010) The Healthcare Support Worker’s Code Of Conduct The HCSW’s code of conduct (WAG 2010) states that a HCSW must promote dignity and respect, work in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary Team in order to promote the best care. Communication When promoting health to patients it is imperative that the Patient understand the information given to them and why its been Given to them, so good communication skills are key. The code of conduct (WAG 2010) states a HCSW must communicate in an open and accurate, effective and straight forward way Promoting dignity and respect RCN (2008) states that this means respecting patients diversity and cultural needs, including protecting their Privacy. They also states that HCSW’s should be compassionate and provide emotional support whilst demonstrating sensitivity Delegation Delegation is the process by which a registered practitioner can allocate work to a support worker who is deemed competent to undertake that task (RCN 2006). within the context of health promotion a patient may be referred to a HCSW by a doctor/nurse for some general lifestyle advice STUDENT NO’ Accountability Caulfield (2005) defines accountability as a confidence that allows a Healthcare Assistant (HCA) to take pride in their work, in being transparent about decisions made and being confident enough to justify them. Accountability is not taking the “blame” for your actions but beings confident in the work that you have done. Within heath promotion you need to be able to justify to a patient why you are advising them to change their life or promoting good health to them. Consent Of course when a HCSW provides any kind of care including health promotion, consent always needs to be received from the patient The Department of Health (2001) offers the following definition: “Consent” is a patient’s agreement for a health professional to provide care.” The HCSW has a lot of things to think about when being a health promotion ambassador! Carrier J (2009) Managing Long Term Conditions and Chronic Illness in Primary Care: A guide to good practice. 1 st Ed. Routledge Department of Health (2009) Reference Guide to consent for examination or Treatment. (online) Margerson C, Trenoweth S (2010) Developing Holistic care. 5 th Ed, Hodder Arnold. London RCN (2006) Rodwell c (1996) A n analysis of the concept of empowerment. Journal Of Advanced Nursing 23, pp , United kingdom. RCN (2008) (online) accessed 2nd may accessed 2nd may 2011 Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) (2010) Draft Code Of Conduct For Health Care Support Workers in Wales, version 3, Wales World Health Organisation (1986) The Ottawa Charter For Heath Promotion. WHO: Geneva. References