by Risa Thal
Once there was… This is a story. It is a narrative. It happened in the past. It was told by parents to their children.
Who? Once there was a family. We understand that : They take care of one another. They make decisions together. They love each other.
The Family Once there was a family that was not rich and not poor. What do we know about rich people and poor people?
Rich People Have: fancy clothes expensive jewelry luxuries - extras whatever they want money to spend Conclusions They can give gifts to other people. They can help poor people.
Poor people don’t have: food clothes a home (shelter) Conclusion They need help from other people (charity). They want help from other people.
How to use “Prior Knowledge” The writer says that the family was Not Rich and Not Poor We understand that: they had enough. they had what they needed. they had no extras.
Think About Why is it so important to include this information in the first sentence? Come back and answer this question after you finish reading the story. HOTS
Where? They lived in Ohio in a small, country house. We understand that: They live far away from neighbours or other people. They have no shopping centre or entertainment nearby. They value their privacy.
When? One night, there was a … “Night” is: a quiet, peaceful time when the family is home together happy and relaxed.
Description One night, they all sat down for dinner and …
The story begins. There was a knock on the door. The father went to the door and opened it. There stood …
There stood an old man in tattered clothes with ripped pants and missing buttons. He was carrying a basket of vegetables.
The Man Old Tattered clothes Ripped pants Missing buttons Carrying a basket of vegetables
Which picture best suits the character in the story? Why? Write your answer here
Check your answers Does this REALLY suit the story? Go back and check. Read what the gender (sex) of the character is.
Drawing conclusions He is sitting so we know that … He is holding a hat so we know that … He has a grey beard so we know that …
Why was he there? He asked the family if they wanted to buy some vegetables from him. They quickly did so because they saw how poor he was and they wanted him to leave. Did the family buy the vegetables? ______ Copy the words that helped you. __________________________ quickly did so
Why? because The reason and Another reason
Identify feelings behind actions They saw how poor he was. They were sad. They felt for him. They wanted him to leave. They were scared. They were nervous.
Infer character traits from actions. What have we learned about the family? They are …
Sequencing Over time, the family and the old man became friends. The man brought vegetables to the family every week. They found out he was almost blind and had cataracts on his eyes.
The Story Continues. But he was so friendly that they learned to look forward to his visits and started to enjoy his company. One day, as he was delivering the vegetables, he said, …
I had the greatest blessing yesterday.
What could be a “blessing” for an old blind man?
I had the greatest blessing yesterday. I found a basket of clothes outside my house that someone had left for me.
How Wonderful! The family, knowing that he needed clothes, said,
The most wonderful part is that I found a family that really needed the clothes.
The Ending It can be happy or sad. This ending is ______________ It can be expected or surprising. This ending is ______________ It can be a conclusive summary or an option to be continued in the future. It relates to the opening sentence or the title. Let’s look back and check.
The Title “The Man Who Had Plenty” Let’s look up the word “plenty” in the dictionary. Plenty nu (of somebody/something) as much as or more than is needed or desired; a large number or quantity. The title tells us that “the (old, blind) man had more than is needed or desired.” In the ending, the man gives the clothes away because he had more than is (he) needed or desired.”
The Opening Sentence Once there was a family that was not rich and not poor.
Early Conclusions and Corrections Rich people give gifts to other people and help the poor. Poor people need, want and get help from other people. BUT Rich people can give gifts. Rich people may give gifts. Rich people might give gifts. AND Poor people can accept help (gifts). Poor people may accept help. Poor people might accept help and they might not !!!!! This is the surprise.
A family that was not rich and not poor. Why was it so important to include this information in the first sentence? Now do you know the answer? Opening Sentence
Think about What did you learn about giving gifts? Justify your answer. Clues- “someone had left” “really needed”
Think about Did the family leave the basket of clothes? Justify your answer. Clues- “someone” “knowing that” “not rich and not poor”
Think about What did you learn about the character of the blind man? Justify your answer. Clues- “blessing” “really needed”
This presentation was made by Risa Thal for teaching English in the English Learning Center at Rabin High School in Be’er Sheva. The goal is to try and provide students with the higher-order thinking skills needed to appreciate English literature. Story by Jerry Ullman Chicken Soup for a Kid’s Soul