The Aftermath of WW2 Today we will partner read sections of chapter 37 and analyze the information to understand important events of the aftermath of WW2. Read and note as the instructions tell you. Write the answers to the Checks For Understanding in complete sentences. Watch the Youtube videos for extra clarification.
You are going to need: A blank page for notes (Titled: Aftermath of WW2) Something to write with 2 different highlighters
Partner Read Section 37.2 While you read aloud and take turns with your partner: Record 4 important actions taken by the United States after WW2 Highlight an action in one color if you think it is evidence that the U.S. did learn from past mistakes Highlight an action in a different color if you think it is evidence that the U.S. didn’t learn from past mistakes Be prepared to justify your highlighting
Check for Understanding (write answer in complete sentence) Which of these organizations was created after WW2 to “reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small.” 1) World Bank 2) United Nations 3) League of Nations 4) International Monetary Fund
Partner Read Section 37.3 While you read aloud and take turns with your partner: Record 4 important actions taken by the United States after WW2 Highlight an action in one color if you think it is evidence that the U.S. did learn from past mistakes Highlight an action in a different color if you think it is evidence that the U.S. didn’t learn from past mistakes Be prepared to justify your highlighting
Check for Understanding: Which of these statements best describes how the Allies dealt with Japan after WW2? 1) The Japanese islands were divided among the Allies to rule as mandates 2) The Japanese were forced to make crippling reparations payments to the Allies 3) The Allies helped restore the emperor to power as the constitutional ruler of Japan 4) The Allies helped Japan rebuild its economy and establish a democratic government
Partner Read Section 37.4 While you read aloud and take turns with your partner: Describe the GI Bill of Rights and at least 2 ways it affected the lives of veterans Note an important action taken by African Americans after WW2 Note an important action taken by women after WW2
Check for Understanding: Which of these statements best describes the situation after WW2 of many women who had worked in war-related industries? 1) They shifted to lower-paying service jobs 2) They were eager to stop working for wages 3) They refused to give up their jobs to returning veterans 4) They competed successfully with men for jobs in heavy industries
Check for Understanding: Which of the following helped over 2 million U.S. veterans attend college after WW2? 1) World Bank 2) GI Bill of Rights 3) Manhattan Project 4) War Production Board bill/videos/ed-mcmahon-and-the-gi-bill
Partner Read Section 37.5 While you read aloud and take turns with your partner: Describe the International Criminal Court Record 3 other important details from this section
Check for Understanding: Read the excerpt: “That four great nations… stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgement of the law is one of the most significant tributes that power has ever paid to reason.” –Robert Jackson What was Jackson referring to? 1) World Court 2) Geneva Conventions 3) Nuremberg War Crimes Trials 4) UN International Criminal Tribunal