Study of possible ablations ion beams Daniele Scarpa LNL - INFN.


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Presentation transcript:

Study of possible ablations ion beams Daniele Scarpa LNL - INFN

The energy and momentum of a photon depend only on its frequency ν or equivalently, its wavelength λ: frequencywavelength where k is the wave vectorwave vector (with the wave number k = 2π/λ as its magnitude), ω = 2πν is the angular frequency,angular frequency Light… L IGHT, E NERGY, L ASER

Light (ν vs λ)…

L.A.S.E.R…… Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation L ASER

Absortion VS Emission (4 levels)… Pump Energy Emitted Energy L ASER

L ASER IN RIB F ACILITIES Ionization and isotope selection

Ionization method? Surface Ionization Plasma Ion Source Photo Ionization L ASER IN RIB

Photo ionization L ASER I ONIZATION

0 eV ≈6 eV Laser system requirements: Tunable, High peak power, High repetition rate, Narrow linewidth Ionization Auto ionizing state Rydberg state λ1 λ1 λ2 λ2 λ3 λ3 Φ L ASER I ONIZATION  R ~ cm 2   ~ cm 2   ~ cm 2

Photo ionization while selecting species 123 Different ionization path can ionize different elements present L ASER I ONIZATION

QSW Laser Pump L ASER


Today Photo-ionization scheme… IGSOL-JYFL (ONLINE) L ASER IN RIB

Today Photo-ionization scheme… HRIBF Nd:YAG Pump laser (60 W, 10 kHZ, 532 nm) Ti:sapphire lasers (supplied by the Mainz group) L ASER IN RIB

Today Photo-ionization scheme… Wavelength tuning range: Fundamental (  ) nm 2nd harmonic (2  ) nm 3rd harmonic (3  ) nm HIE ISOLDE Replacement of copper vapor lasers Upgrade of dye lasers Installation of a Ti:Saphire laser system L ASER IN RIB

ISOLDE 40 < Z < < Z < < Z < 24

ISOLDE 40 < Z < < Z < < Z < 24

L SPES LNL first Aluminum laser ionization

Aluminum laser ionization Two step, one color ionization path: Al [ ; e−] Al+ λ λ First step: Resonant λ =308,216 nm Second step: Non – resonant towards continuum same wavelength λ =308,216 nm Typical transition linewidth LNL L ASER I ONIZATION

Why Aluminum [1] Barbui et all. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 4289 – 4293 SPES has developed a SiC target tested at HRIBF in Oak Ridge Aluminum comes from (Si,p) nuclear interaction LNL L ASER I ONIZATION

Mass Maker Technique Oven tube loaded with Aluminum salts and heated by current Aluminum evaporates and goes into hot cavity LNL L ASER I ONIZATION

Ionization first results (Faraday Cup Current) Laser off Laser On LNL L ASER I ONIZATION

L ASER AND OTHER P URPOSES Laser ablation and plasma generation

ECR - Well known - Commercial solutions - Complex - Not all elements


Laser absorption in materials L ASER ABLATION

Laser – Plasma formation L ASER ABLATION



- High state charge - High current - Several material (all) - Low rep rate

L ASER I ON B EAM Ecr ion source Coupled to a Laser Ion Source for charge State Enhancement ECLISSE - LNS

L ASER I ON B EAM Ecr ion source Coupled to a Laser Ion Source for charge State Enhancement ECLISSE - LNS

L ASER I ON B EAM Lecce Laser Ion Source Q-switched XeCl Excimer (FWHM pulse duration ∼ 30 ns, λ = 308 nm)

L ASER I ON B EAM CERN Laser Ion Source P.Fournier, H.Haseroth, H.Kugler, N.Lisi, R.Scrivens, F.Varela Rodriguez, P.Di Lazzaro, F.Flora, S.Duesterer, R.Sauerbrey, H.Schillinger, W.Theobald, L.Veisz, J.W.G.Tisch, R.A.Smith Novel Laser Ion Sources, Int. Conf. Ion Sources J Q-switched CO2 (FWHM pulse duration ∼ 30 ns, λ = 10,6 µm)

L ASER I ON B EAM Columbia University Microbeam 850 mJ Q-switched ND:YAG (FWHM pulse duration ∼ 15 ns, λ = 1064 nm)

L ASER I ON B EAM Dublin City University DCU Laser Ion Source 1.2 J Q-switched Ruby laser (FWHM pulse duration ∼ 35 ns, λ = 694 nm)

L ASER I ON B EAM Praga Laser Ion Source PERUN photodissociation iodine laser system (FWHM pulse duration ∼ 350 ps λ = 1315 nm)

L ASER I ON B EAM Experiment Laser ( /µm) E (J)  (ns) P t (W/cm 2 ) element + charge- state Ion current U.Herleb - CERNNd:YAG (1.06)0.853x10 10 Al 7+ Al - 20 mA / 4 µs / 12 mm MunichNd:YAG (1.06) Au 15+ Ta mA / 5 µs / 40 mm KaiserslautenNd:YAG (1.06) Ta 6+ PERUN - PragueIodine (1.315)50> Ta 42+ Ta mAcm 94 cm IPPLM - WarsawNd:Glass (1.06)< Ta Ta 42+ Alberta, CanadaKrF (0.248) x10 11 Al 7+ Alberta, CanadaRuby (0.694) Al 4+ Imperial, LondonTi:Saph (0.780)< fs>10 16 ~Xe 50+ ArkansasNd:YAG0.8Al 7+ LLNL? (400 nm)mJ140 fsC 6+ CERN LISCO 2 (10.6) Ta 24+ Ta - 60 mA / 5 µs / 30 mm

L SPES LNL first tests on laser ablation

Laser beam shape study in order to focalize into hot cavity 3 mm diameter 6 m far away LIS LNL Laser beam delivery 100 mJ Q-switched Excimer laser (FWHM pulse duration ∼ 35 ns, λ = 308 nm)

Ion beam vs laser beam (Top View) Laser Beam Ion Beam Ion Source – Hot Cavity Faraday Cup LIS LNL

Laser energy measurements: Φ hole 2 mm LIS LNL

Laser energy measurements: 40 mW on 2mm diameter 5 Hz Delivered pulse energy 8 mJ Pulse duration 35 nsec 250 mJ/cm 2 7 MWpeak/cm 2 LIS LNL

Front End target: Aluminum LIS LNL

(?) Al + Δt ≈ 5,5 us From TOF-MS: Results: LIS LNL

AlO + (?) 6,8 us Al + (?) 5,5 us From TOF-MS: Results: LIS LNL

Laser Pulse >4 mJ Current Pulse: 1mV on 50 Ohm => 20 uA Results: LIS LNL

Laser Pulse >8 mJ Current Pulse: 1mV on 50 Ohm => 20 uA Results: LIS LNL

P ROPOSAL Possible laser ablation high rep rate

LIS PROPOSAL Electron Plasma Coupled to a Laser Ion Source for high charge state generation Ions and atoms production by laser High state charge enhancement by electron plasma +

LIS PROPOSAL Electron Plasma Coupled to a Laser Ion Source for high charge state generation

L ASER I ON B EAM Work to do!! - Simulations - Build apparatus - Test with available laser - High rep. rate laser