Avian and Human Influenza Trust Fund (AHITF) Status Report 28 th March 2006
Progress to Date Some $70m has been pledged to the AHITF Detailed negotiations with the EC (the biggest donor) are well advanced The Trust Fund Standard Provisions are close to finalization The Trust Fund itself should be ready to receive contributions by end March The Internal Bank Review Committee has been established and had its 1 st meeting
Donor pledges (as of March 2006) US Dollar estimates Australia$3.7mAsia ? China$2mGlobal EC$32.5mAsia EC$10.8mTACIS countries EC$12.1mM. East/N. Africa Russia$3mGlobal Ireland & Slovenia Less than $1m Global
Next Steps Preparation of agreements for donors who are ready to contribute - underway Invitations to Bank staff to work with country teams to prepare AHITF proposals (next week) Possible first meeting of Advisory Board “alongside” Vienna conference