VISITOR/CONTRACTOR HAZARD TRAINING WELCOME TO TOOELE ARMY DEPOT Tooele Army Depot is continuing to improve its occupational health and safety program. The primary focus of TEADs Safety program is to enhance existing, successful health and safety programs by promoting worker involvement. As part of TEADs Safety program we request that you report any safety incident, near miss, or unsafe condition to the nearest TEAD employee. In order to make your visit a safe one, we would like to acquaint you with the following SAFETY PROCEDURES. A. Traffic Control 1. Whenever driving or walking in the vicinity of mobile equipment, make certain adequate clearance and the operator is aware of your presence. Mobile equipment has the right of way (including fork- lifts). It is your responsibility to stay out of the path of these vehicles. 2. Speed limit on the depot is 35 mph unless otherwise posted. Speed limits will be adhered to at all times. 3. Always listen for back-up alarms. 4. Do not park on haulage roads or truck paths. 5. Safety Belts are to be worn in all vehicles while on depot. 6. Cell phones usage while driving is prohibited. B. Illegal Drugs or Alcohol will not be in the possession of, sold, or used by visitors, contractor employees, or depot employees, nor will they report to work under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol. C. Visitors, contractor employees or depot employees are not permitted to bring weapons on the installation property {includes depot property, all vehicles, parking lots, etc.}. D. Smoking is permitted in designated areas only. E. Emergency Procedures 1. Report all injuries and property damage immediately to the Safety Office, or afterhours the, Desk Sergeant, Report any fire to the nearest worker, or if unable, sound nearest alarm, and call the Fire Department, / Combustible materials and fuels are located throughout the depot. Always obey “No Smoking” signs and be aware of building exits. 4. In the event of an evacuation, leave the depot through the nearest exit, where you will receive further instructions. F. Trips and Falls 1. There are many sets of stairs and ladders at the depot. Use hand rails where provided and watch where you step. 2. Always use steps and hand rails provided to mount and dismount mobile equipment – never jump off this equipment. G. Personal Protective Equipment is required at certain locations, and the visitor or contractor employee may need to wear PPE if required or directed by a TEAD employee/supervisor. H. Safety Permits will be obtained and procedures strictly followed, where required {confined space, hot work and flame permits}. Confined spaces will not be entered until adequate provisions are made and conditions are verified, call the Safety Office I. Safety Equipment will not be disabled without proper review, alternative measures, and adequate communications when processes are in operation. {Permit required to deactivate emergency alarms fire systems, and conveyor pull cords.} J. Energy Sources will be properly isolated, locked out and tagged out as required before work begins. Lock Out Tag Out program currently in place. K. High Work will not be done until adequate fall protection measures are taken. L. Hot Work will not be done until adequate provisions are made to prevent fire and explosions in accordance with depot regulations. M. Data Integrity – never falsify or knowingly omit relevant information on any documentation {statements, investigation reports, permits, logs, etc.} N. Management of Change – Never make a process change without the required review and approval of TEAD officials. O. Commercial Carrier Operators are required to wear safety shoes/toe caps and safety glasses when entering loading/unloading areas. Trucks must be equipped with a fire extinguisher. Speed limits will be adhered to at all times. I. Visitor’s Agreement Addendum 1. The possession and or use of any type of photographic equipment such as cameras, video cameras, digital cameras, and video cell phones are strictly prohibited at the depot., Visitors will disclose the possession of said equipment and it will be the responsibility of the TEAD escorting employee to ensure that this type of equipment is secured prior to entering the depot. In the event that this equipment is suspected of being used, management and security should be notified immediately. 2. Permission to use any of this type of equipment will be granted by the Depot Security Officer or Public Affairs Officer. A copy of the permission will be provided to the individual seeking to enter the depot with the equipment and a copy will be retained in the Public Affairs Officer’s Files. I have read the above statement and am aware of the hazards to which I may be exposed at TEAD. I have been provided a copy of this document. Print Company Name ____________________________________Printed Name _____________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________________________ Date __________________________________________ TEAD Form 4360-R 11-March-2009
Tooele Army Depot Environmental Responsibility General Requirements Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) is committed to environmental excellence. All visitors to TEAD are expected to understand and comply with some basic on-site requirements, as described below. Please understand that these requirements were written to cover the full spectrum of potential visitors, so they may not fully apply to everyone. Thank you for helping us to protect our environment. Air Pollution: Visitors must not release into the atmosphere, and shall take all necessary measures to prevent a release to the atmosphere any air contaminants, regardless of source, that may cause a violation of any state or federal regulations or any TEAD policies. Water Pollution: Visitors must obtain prior approval from the Environmental Office for discharging any materials into any on-site sanitary sewer system drains, sinks, clean-outs, or sumps. Storm Water Pollution: Visitors may not discharge any substance or materials into any storm drain anywhere on TEAD’s entire site. There are no exceptions. Visitors’ vehicles may not be washed anywhere on site. Storing of materials outside must be kept to a minimum. If materials must be stored outside, prior approval must be obtained from the Environmental Office, the storage area must be kept neat and clean with spill containment, containers must be kept closed, and any material that may present a storm water discharge threat must be stored under cover. Trash / Hazardous Waste: All trash must be placed in appropriate on-site receptacles. Any drums brought on site must be accurately labeled at all times, even if empty. Solid / hazardous waste must be segregated in accordance with container labels and the disposal coordinated with the Environmental Office. Miscellaneous Environmental: No chemicals of any kind may be brought on-site without approval of the Environmental Office. If approval is granted, all containers must be properly labeled and a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must accompany the chemical. Visitors are responsible for taking necessary measures to prevent chemical spills and/or releases. Emergency Preparedness Action Plan TEAD is committed to the safety and well-being of all those personnel working or visiting our facility, and for this reason, the following procedures need to be followed should our facility be faced with an emergency situation. Egress routes, shelter locations and evacuation controls are posted throughout the facility. If you have any questions, please ask any TEAD employee. Fire and Evacuation: An audible signal (intermittent chirp) indicates a fire has been identified and personnel need to evacuate the building. Upon hearing the fire alarm, proceed to the nearest available safe exit and proceed out away from the building at least 100 feet. Additional instructions from fire department personnel will be given upon their arrival. Chemical Spill / Exposure: If you witness a chemical spill or release alert personnel in the immediate area and evacuate to an upwind location. After safely evacuating the site, please call 911 from depot telephones or from cell phones and report the incident. TEAD’s emergency response staff will evaluate the situation and provide additional instructions as necessary. I acknowledge by my signature on the reverse side of this document that I have reviewed and understand the above-identified TEAD Environmental Management System (EMS) policy components, and will comply with said components. I understand my failure to comply with those components identified are grounds for my removal from site and places my employer at risk for losing existing and future services with TEAD. Thank you for supporting the Tooele Army Depot Environmental Management System