TEMPLATE DESIGN © Modeling Systemizing and Empathizing with the Big Five Aspects: Implications for the Extreme Female Brain Theory of Psychosis Hui Xiong, Victor Swift M.A., Jordan B Peterson PhD University of Toronto Abstract Introduction Discussion Results 2: The Ten Aspect Structure of SQ-R, EQ, STA, and EB across Both Sexes -Fetal testosterone (FT) levels were linked to high Systemizing and low Empathizing, a cognitive profile purported to be higher in males and demonstrated to be escalated at the extreme levels among those with Autism (Baron-Cohen 2002). -Crespi and Badcock (2008) propose that females exhibit the diametrically opposite pattern of traits wherein they are higher on the psychotic spectrum due to an Empathizing Bias (EB), which is the degree to which EQ overages SQ (Larson et al. 2015). -Experimental data have been mixed with respect to the validity of the EFB theory (e.g. Brosnan et al. 2010): whereas empathizing correlates specifically with mania and paranoia positive features, autistic symptoms overlap with negative symptoms of the multifaceted disorder of Schizophrenia (Konstantareas & Hewitt 2001). -The study determines the general personality basis for the Systemizing-Empathizing constructs, EB and STA using the Big Five Aspect scale (DeYoung, Quilty & Peterson 2007). 302 American participants were recruited from Amazon’s M-Turk, a crowdsourcing online platform from which an international community sample can be taken. They reported their gender and were assessed with the BFAS, STA, EQ and the SQ-R. Results 2: Hierarchical regression to predict Schizotypal Personality Assessment (STA) scores General personality dimensions associated with EB strengthened some aspects of both EFB and EMB theories while weakening its other claims: 1)The significant contribution of Compassion and Politeness toward heightened EB supports the hypothesis that the EFB is associated with hyper-mentalizing (Crespi & Badcock 2008). 2)That Orderliness predicted the decline of EB is consistent with the notion that Autistic symptomatology, which is comorbid with Obsessiveness (Lewis et al. 2011), characterizes the EMB (Baron-Cohen 2002). 3)Intellect negatively predicting EB is in line with the EMB hypothesis that the male cognitive pattern is associated with scientific engagement (Kaufman et al. 2015). 4)Schizotypy as measured by STA was predicted by Withdrawal, suggesting that STA measured behavioral inhibition mediated negative symptoms (DeYoung, Quilty & Peterson 2007). 5)That systemizing is related to negative symptoms, which are more common in males, emerged as SQ-R contributed unique variance beyond the aspect of Withdrawal in predicting STA. Methods Figure 4: -Depicts the spectrum of cognitive-styles that Baron-Cohen (2002) posits to be a function of prenatally exposed testosterone. E = Empathizing. B = Balanced. S = Systemizing. Results 1: Descriptive Statistics for the Cognitive-styles and their Sex Differences