Self-efficacy: The Key to Educational Success BY RUBY WONG
Education Theory Behaviorist Theory Cognitive Theory Cultural Theory Social Cognitive Theory Sociocultural Theory Natural Learning Theory
Education K-12 Common Core Motivation The Role of Self-efficacy
Motivational psychology Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation ◦Motivation by prizes vs. motivation from your inner desir to master material ◦Debra Stipek and Jacquelynne Eccles Expectancy Value theory ◦How much do they value the material ◦Jacquelynne Eccles and Allan Wigfield Achievement motivation ◦What motivates them and how do they approach it ◦Jacquelynne Eccles and Allan Wigfield
How will motivational theory be effectively implemented in the mathematics SUCCESS??? MOTIVATIONAL THEORY
Methods & Results Talk with teachers and administrators Discuss theories and practices Prep work Survey students Beginning and end Use Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scale
References Deci, Edward, Robert Vallerand, Luc Pelletier, and Richard Ryan. “Motivation and Education: The Self- Determination Perspective.” HEDP Educational Psychologist Educ. Psychologist 26.3 (1991): William H. Hannon Library. Web 12 Sept Midgley, Carol, Avi Kaplan, Michael Middletion, Martin L. Maehr, Time Urdan, Lynley, Hicks Anderman, Eric Anderman, and Robert Roeser, “The Development and Validation of Scale Assessing Students’ Achievement Goal Orientations.” Contemporary Educational Psychology 23.2 (1998): ScienceDirect. Web. 12 Sept Pajares, Frank, Shari L. Britner, and Giovani Valiante. “Relation between Achievement Goals and Self-Beliefs of Middle School Students in Writing and Science.” Contemporary Educational Psychology 25.4 (2000): ScienceDirect. Web, 12 Sept Pintrich, Paul R. “An Achievement Goal Theory Perspective on Issues in Motivaion Terminology, Theory, and Research.” Contemporary Educational Psychology 25.1 (2000): ScienceDirect. Web 12 Sept Wigfield, Allan, and Jacquelynne S. Eccles. “Expectancy-Value Theory of Achievement Motivation.” Contemporary Educational Psychology 25.1 (2000): ScienceDirect. Web. 12 Sept