Local Option Sales Tax (Surtaxes) Regional Transportation Users Emergency Fire/Rescue Services Users Infrastructure Next Page Small County Next Page Indigent Care /Trauma Center Users County Public Hospital (Only 1 County) Voter Approved Indigent Care Users
Statewide Use of Surtaxes 67 Counties Eligible 51 Counties Use these Surtaxes (76%) Infrastructure Eligible 67 Counties Use 20 Counties Small County Eligible 31 Counties Use 28 Counties Other Surtaxes3 Counties No Surtaxes16 Counties
Counties w/Infrastructure Surtax or Small County Surtaxes 48 Counties 20 Infrastructure 28 Small County 44 Counties at 1% Only 3 of 44 Counties at 1% also have ½% School Surtax 4 Counties at ½% 2 of those Counties also have ½% School Surtax
Interlocal Agreements for Sales Taxes 17 Counties or 35% have Interlocals 31 Counties or 65% have no Interlocal Of Interlocals give to schools 1% Counties % to % Of Cities get none. Of Cities get less Of Cities get more * Flagler significant Of 17 – 1 10% City/County 80% jointly
Counties without Sales Taxes Collier County - High Impact Fees Volusia County - Hospital Taxing District Lee County - Use Special Taxing Districts Many are larger/Charter and have other revenue methods
Sales Tax Information Local Sales tax in effect since 1990 at 1% - 22yrs To avoid break must certify to DOR by Nov. 16 th Can pass by referendum for Infrastructure Surtax or by referendum or super majority by BOCC for Small County Surtax Deadline August 3. November general election is last time for referendum. Must take effect only in January 1 of year. For two main sales taxes only in ½ cent increments No expiration required.
History Began in December 1, 1990 with County for 15 year maximum term Was a 1% sales tax with no Interlocal Passed for Jail Construction and Sheriffs Office Repealed in December 31, 2002 early Jan 1, 2003 ½ cent via interlocal; School ½ cent adopted. When ½ cent passed County was at 32.7% now we at 28.7% per interlocal formulas
Countywide/Unincorporated Responsibilities E911 System 800 MHZ System Court Facilities Senior Services/Facilities Public Transportation County has Countywide Responsibilities Jail Facilities Health Department Sheriff Office Space Helicopter Library Emergency Management County has Unincorporated Responsibilities
Funding Countywide Responsibilities /12 Taxable EntityCensusPercentValuePercent Town of Beverly Beach % $ 51,601, % City of Bunnell2, % 155,272, % City of Flagler Beach4, % 480,439, % Town of Marineland160.02% 4,888, % City of Palm Coast75, % 3,893,483, % Unincorporated Areas13, % 1,978,247, % Total Countywide96, % $6,563,932, %
Capital Project Needs
Sheriff’s Office $5.0 million Jail Expansion beds$20 million Library Expansion$2.5 million Stormwater/Environ. Imp.$6.5 million* Road Resurfacing/Improve$6.0 million* Total $40 million * Projects shown could easily be 5-10 million dollars in total today. Note: A Jail expansion may be necessary every decade to catch up.
Other Capital Project Needs Westside Fire Station - CR 305 $2.0 million Emergency Equipment $1.5 million County owned 800 Mhz towers $1.5 million Beach Restoration Const. Match$ ? ? ? ? FB Pier Concrete Hardening$.25 million Total $10-15 million Upgrade 800 Mhz not included??? Senior Center???
Sales Tax Revenues
Local GovernmentFlorida Statutes Default Dist. % Estimated Distribution Current Interlocal Agreement % Estimated Distribution Flagler BOCC $1,840, $1,169,704 Beverly Beach $9, $ 20,891 Bunnell $72, $ 95,248 Flagler Beach $119, $ 195,254 Marineland $ $ 216 Palm Coast $2,030, $2,591,743 Total Countywide $4,073, $4,073,056 Source: 2010 Local Government Financial Information Handbook
Sales Tax Revenues over 10 years Local Government DOR % Default Distrib. Estimated 10 Yr Revenues Current % Interlocal Agreement Estimated 10 Yr Revenues Difference over a decade Flagler BOCC $ 18,409, $11,697,040$6,712,190 Beverly Beach $91, $ 208,910 -$117,610 Bunnell $722, $ 952,480 -$229,630 Flagler Beach $1,195, $ 1,952,540 -$757,520 Marineland $4, $ 2,160 Palm Coast $20,307, $25,917,430 -$5, Total Countywide $40,730, $4,073, Note: Based on ½ Cent Sales Tax
Florida Statutes Formula County’s share = Unincorporated population + 2/3 of Cities’ population Total County population + 2/3 of Cities’ population Each City’s share = Population of City Total County Population +2/3 of Cities’ populations
Interlocal Formula Fifty percent of Based on Florida Statues Formula The other fifty percent are distributed as follows: Each jurisdictions’ share = Population of Jurisdiction Total County population
Phased In Scenarios
Sales Tax Revenues 5 Year Phase In Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6 $1,169,704 $1,303,948$1,438,192$1,572,435$1,706,679 $1,840,923 $20,891 $18,539$16,187$13,834$11,482 $9,130 $95,248 $90,655$86,063$81,470$76,878 $72,285 $195,254 $180,104$164,953$149,803$134,652 $119,502 $216 $259$302$346$389 $432 $2,591,743 $2,479,551$2,367,358$2,255,166$2,142,973 $2,030,781 $4,073, years $34,804,803 $217,883 $1,514,589 $2,617,296 $7,992 $42,298,506 $81,461,120
Sales Tax Revenues 8-Year Phase In Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7Year 8Year 9 $1,169,704 $1,253,606$1,337,509$1,421,411$1,505,314$1,589,216$1,673,118$1,757,021 $1,840,923 $20,891 $19,421$17,951$16,481$15,011$13,540$12,070$10,600 $9,130 $95,248 $92,378$89,507$86,637$83,767$80,896$78,026$75,155 $72,285 $195,254 $185,785$176,316$166,847$157,378$147,909$138,440$128,971 $119,502 $216 $243$270$297$324$351$378$405 $432 $2,591,743 $2,521,623$2,451,503$2,381,382$2,311,262$2,241,142$2,171,022$2,100,901 $2,030,781 $4,073, years $33,797,975 $235,525 $1,549,034 $2,730,924 $7,668 $43,139,949 $81,461,120
Sales Tax Revenues 10-Year Phase In Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Year 5Year 6Year7Year 8 $1,169,704 $1,236,826$1,303,948$1,371,070 $1,438,192$1,505,314$1,572,435$1,639,557 $20,891 $19,715$18,539$17,363 $16,187$15,011$13,834$12,658 $95,248 $92,952$90,655$88,359 $86,063$83,767$81,470$79,174 $195,254 $187,679$180,104$172,528 $164,953$157,378$149,803$142,228 $216 $238$259$281 $302$324$346$367 $2,591,743 $2,535,647$2,479,551$2,423,454 $2,367,358$2,311,262$2,255,166$2,199,070 $4,073,056 Default Formula Year 9Year 10Year years $1,706,679$1,773,801 $1,840,923 $33,126,756 $11,482$10,306 $9,130 $247,286 $76,878$74,581 $72,285 $1,571,997 $134,652$127,077 $119,502 $2,806,676 $389$410 $432 $7,452 $2,142,973$2,086,877 $2,030,781 $43,700,911 $4,073,056 $81,461,120
Some of the Commissioners have expressed concern about receiving public input. Since you have some critical issues to fund rather than pick a solution it may behoove the Board to offer the voters a choice of what funding method they prefer. Potential Straw Ballot
NON-BINDING STRAW BALLOT QUESTION WHETHER TO CONTINUE OR INCREASE THE ONE-HALF CENT SALES SURTAX (14 words) In order to pay for needed infrastructure improvements within Flagler County, would continuing or increasing the one-half cent sales tax paid by residents and visitors be a more fair and cost-effective use of tax dollars than increasing Ad Valorem Taxes on Flagler County property owners? (45 words) YES _______ No ________
Potential Straw Ballot
Summary Approximately million dollars of Capital Needs in next 10 years. 20 million more critical. More Capital Projects long-term No good alternative for Revenues/Future Restrictions. Revenues from Sales taxes estimated at: 11.7 Million - Using Same Interlocal 18.4 Million - Using Florida Statues Formula Accepting Interlocal will give County 38% less revenue to fund capital project and would not meet County’s responsibilities.
Not Using Sales Tax May place more burden on property owners/ local taxpayers no outside payers. May negatively affect other Cities without alternative revenue opportunities. County will still have capital needs on top of anything Palm Coast does unilaterally Alternatives may further hurt economy. Other Revenues ad valorem may be needed for Operational Costs - Example Jail