ATLAS Phase II Upgrade for the HL-LHC Michael Tuts US ATLAS Operations Program Manager Columbia University February 13, 2013 Outline 1.Introduction & Context 2.Physics Motivation 3.ATLAS Phase II Upgrade 4.Cost Estimates & Profiles 5.Conclusions
A Great 3 years ( ) By any measure the ATLAS experiment is ending a superb data run FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee2 pp Recorded luminosity ( , 7 & 8TeV)26.9 fb -1 PbPb Recorded Luminosity ( )167 µb -1 pPb Recorded Luminosity (2013)>19 µb -1 Peak luminosity (pp)7.7×10 33 cm -2 s -1 Data taking efficiency~93.5% Mean # Interactions~21 Events recorded~5×10 9 Jobs per day10 5 Data & MC stored (disk/tape)130 PB Conference Talks (2012)~700 Submitted papers ( )251
LHC Schedule & Plans Current plans for the LHC evolution to the High Luminosity LHC FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee3 PeriodActivityLabel Peak ℒ Int ℒ (fb -1 ) s (TeV) Bunch (ns) Install Phase 0LS Running10 34 ~100~ Install Phase ILS Running~2 × ~300~ Install Phase IILS Running~5 × ~3000~1425 High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) (see backup for installation timeline)
Why Upgrade? The Unique Physics Opportunities – Exploit the rich physics potential of, and large investment in, the LHC Probing the Higgs sector (fermion and weak gauge boson couplings? unitarity of vector boson scattering? measure self coupling?) Extending the reach for new physics beyond the standard model See work done for European Strategy Group input (upgrades strongly endorsed) The Means – The LHC has demonstrated the ability to deliver beyond expectations – Future LHC upgrades offer the opportunity for an order of magnitude greater data samples – Improved detector technologies and strong R&D investments The Challenge – Preserving or enhancing the current ATLAS performance in a challenging accelerator environment of high instantaneous luminosity and high pile-up FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee4
Physics – Higgs sector FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee5
Physics – Beyond the SM FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee6 3 rd generation search reach is improved
ATLAS Detector & Upgrades FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee7 Full Replacement Electronics Replacement TDAQ Upgrades
Phase II Upgrade Overview See more upgrade element details in the backup slides; three key areas: All-silicon inner tracker replacement – Modern sensors and radiation tolerant ASICs – Improved geometrical acceptance and reduced upstream material Upgraded Trigger & Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system – Maintain low trigger thresholds and bandwidth – 200kHz L1, 20µs latency, 10kHz stored New electronics for calorimeter, tracker and muon detector systems – Radiation hard – Built to handle large data volumes and provide higher precision information to Trigger FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee8
Cost Estimates & US Share ATLAS has estimated the “CORE costs” (essentially materials only, no labor, no contingency,…) in 2012 CHF FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee9 US contributions depend on interest, expertise and approximate fraction of collaboration (20%) [see backup slide] Estimate that US share of Phase II Upgrade (US TPC AY$) is M$ (consistent with scaling current Phase I costs) Note that need construction start 5-6 years before installation start
Conclusions The unique physics potential afforded by a tenfold increase in data samples is compelling and absolutely central to the US High Energy Physics Program – Not participating in the Phase II upgrade would hurt US ability to effectively exploit the rich physics program – Recall we have ~200 US graduate students! The challenge of maintaining the current performance and thresholds of the ATLAS detector for the Phase II Upgrade can be met but require a continuing investment in R&D – Phase I Upgrade R&D was instrumental in allowing US to have leadership roles – Currently carrying out Phase II Upgrade R&D within the Operations Program (silicon pixel, strip detector, calorimeter readout electronics) – critical effort Given the long US timescales the US Phase II Upgrade planning needs to start soon and coordinate with international ATLAS – See “ATLAS Approval Timelines” in the backup slides for current status (CY15 start) – To meet the ATLAS 2015 construction start requires a 2014 CD-0 The Phase II upgrades of LHC detectors will exploit the large investment made by the US and the world in the LHC and the experiments FNAL February 3, 2013 HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee 10
Backup Slides FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee11
US ATLAS US ATLAS has 44 US institutes and is ~20% of ATLAS ~550 US physicists (incl ~200 grad students) Albany, Argonne, Arizona, Arlington UT, Austin UT, Berkeley LBNL, Boston, Brandeis, Brookhaven BNL, Chicago, Columbia, Dallas SMU, Dallas UT, Duke, Fresno, Hampton, Harvard, Indiana, Iowa, Iowa State, Louisiana Tech, MIT, Massachusetts, Michigan, Michigan SU, NYU New York, New Mexico, Northern Illinois, Ohio SU, Oklahoma, Oklahoma SU, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, SLAC, Santa Cruz UC, Seattle Washington, South Carolina, Stony Brook, Tufts, UC Irvine, UI Urbana, Wisconsin, Yale FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee12
Physics Opportunities Higgs Signal Strengths & Couplings Based on ESG studies & follow-ons (ATL-PHYS- PUB ) Accuracy on signal strength (µ, relative to SM) shows significant improvements in many channels Measuring ratio of partial widths probes ‘anomalous couplings’ FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee13 Signal strength precision H partial width ratio precision
FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee14 Physics Opportunities 2 nd & 3 rd generation, Yukawa Couplings
Physics Opportunities H self-coupling, Weak Boson Scattering FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee15
Physics Opportunities - SUSY 1 st and 2 nd Generation Squark and Gluino searches – Improve sensitivity by ~ GeV 3 rd Generation searches – Two studies for different decay modes (1-lepton, 2-lepton selected) FNAL February 3, 2013 HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee 16
Physics Opportunities Beyond the Standard Model FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee17
Full ATLAS Phase II Upgrade FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee18 New all-silicon Inner detector (strips & pixels) TDAQ Upgrade L1 Track Trigger New LAr front/back-end electronics Possible HEC and FCAL upgrades New TileCal front/back-end electronics Muon Barrel and Large Wheel trigger electronics Possible TGC upgrades (in muon Inner Big Wheel) Forward Detector upgrades TAS and shielding upgrade Various infrastructure upgrades Common Activities (installation, safety, …) Software and Computing
Inner Tracker & Calorimeter INNER TRACKER Pixels (3D/planar) – 638M channels – Outer 50µm×250µm (like IBL) – Inner 25µm×150µm in 65nm CMOS Strips – 74M channels – Double sided w/ 40mrad stereo Performance studies with 140 pile-up FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee19 X0X pixelstrip services pixels strips CALORIMETERS (LAr & TileCal) Replace both front-end and back-end electronics to provide digital readout, handle radiation environment and high 40MHz digitization rates Possible need to replace forward calorimetry (due to space charge effects) – several options under consideration
Alternative Layouts Common Items Cooling, services, integration, removal, installation etc all being studied and key is understanding activation issues Optoelectronics issues (GBT) being addressed DAQ/DCS exists for prototype operation but not yet designs for final system Detailed performance studies (140 pile-up) and possible further layout evolution 5 GeV 100 GeV 20 New All-Silicon Tracker
Tracker Performance FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee21
Tracker Performance FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee22
LAr Calorimeter Electronics FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee23
TileCal Electronics FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee24
Muon & TDAQ MUON Upgrade front-end electronics to accommodate TDAQ upgrades Improve p T resolution for L0/L1 Option of new TGC in inner ring of BW TDAQ Split L0(500kHz,6µs)/L1 (200kHz,20µs) design New L1 adds: tracking information; full calorimeter granularity; improved muon resolution New TDAQ architecture: 10kHz to storage FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee25
TDAQ & Detector Readout FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee26
Muon Electronics FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee27
Computing & Software FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee28
Installation Timeline ATLAS has estimated the construction profile assuming not opening the forward calorimeters (still an option) FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee29
ATLAS Approvals Timeline Feb 2013 – ATLAS Collaboration Board (CB) approved Phase II LOI Feb 2013 – European Strategy Group strongly endorsed Phase II Upgrades for LHC & Experiments – “Europe’s top priority should be the exploitation of the full potential of the LHC, including the high-luminosity upgrade of the machine and detectors with a view to collecting ten times more data than in the initial design, by around 2030.” Mar 2013 – LHCC approval of Phase II LOI Apr 2013 – RRB approval of Phase II LOI CB approval to write TDR TDR Approval by LHCC Finalize MOU’s and start construction in CY15 FNAL February 3, 2013HEPAP Facilities Subcommittee30
Overall Approval Strategy Divide all major projects/activities in individual projects. Each project as a new organization. Give the chance to new institutions to join in. Present for each Phase a LOI with the relevant projects and the physics motivation to be approved by the LHCC Once LOI approved, prepare an internal review process and ask for the final Collaboration (CB) approval to write a TDR (technical design report) Present a TDR for each project to the LHCC for approval, then finalize the MOU between the institutes involved and start construction LOI – I LOI – II 5 TDRs 3-4 TDRs 5 MOUs 3-4 MOUs + 1 Just for Phase-II we foresee a MOU to cover common fund items Preliminary cost estimation Detailed cost estimation M. Nessi (29 October 2012 RRB) contribution