1 Testing Implementations Of Access Control Systems (New Proposal) Ammar Masood: Graduate Student Arif Ghafoor (ECE) and Aditya Mathur (CS) Purdue University, West Lafayette SERC Showcase, June 7-8, 2006 Motorola Labs, Schaumburg, IL
2 Research Objectives To develop, experiment with and study the effectiveness of techniques for the generation of tests to validate conformance of implementations of access control policies (in particular Role Based Access Control [RBAC] with or without temporal constraints)
3 Related Work R. Chandramouli. M. Blackburn. Automated Testing of Security Functions using a combined Model & Interface driven Approach. Proc. 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp , 2004 J. Springintveld, F. Vaandrager and P.R. D'Argenio. Testing timed automata. Theoretical Computer Science, 254(1-2), pp , 2001 A. En-Nouaary, R. Dssouli and F. Khendek. Timed Wp method: testing real time systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28(11), pp – 1038, K.G. Larsen, M. Mikucionis and B. Nielsen. Online Testing of Real-time Systems Using UPPAAL. Formal Approaches to Testing of Software. Linz, Austria. September 21, 2004
4 Proposed Test Infrastructure Access Control policy Policy verifier plugin Policy (internal representation) Policy model Policy tests Modeling plugin Test generator plugin Test harness IUT
5 Challenges Modeling: Naïve FSM or timed automata models are prohibitively large even for policies with 10 users and 5 roles (and 3 clocks). How to reduce model size and the tests generated? Test generation: How to generate tests to detect (ideally) all policy violation faults that might lead to violation of the policy? Test execution: Distributed policy enforcement?
6 Proposed Approach Express behavior implied by a policy as an FSM. Apply heuristics to scale down the model. Use the W- method, or its variant, to generate tests from the scaled down model. Generate additional tests using a combination of stress and random testing aimed at faults that might go undetected due to scaling.
7 Sample Model Two users, one role. Only one user can activate the role. Number of states≤3 2. AS AS 21 AC 11 AC 21 AS 21 AS 11 AC 21 AC 11 AS 11 DS 11 DS 21 DC 11 DS 21 DC 11 DS 11 DS 21 DS 11 DC 21 DS 21 DS 11 DS 21 AS: assign. DS: De-assign. AC: activate. DC: deactivate. X ij : do X for user i role j.
8 Heuristics H1: Separate assignment and activation H2: Use FSM for activation and single test sequence for assignment H3: Use single test sequence for assignment and activation H4: Use a separate FSM for each user H5: Use a separate FSM for each role H6: Create user groups for FSM modeling.
9 Reduced Models AS DS 21 DS AS 21 DS 11 DS 21 AC AC 21 DC 21 DC 11 AC 21 AC 11 Assignment MachineActivation Machine Heuristic 1 AS DS 11 AC 11 DC 11 AC 11 AS DS 21 AC 21 DC 21 AC 21 Heuristic 4 User u 1 MachineUser u 2 Machine
10 Tests Generated
11 Fault Model
12 Claim The proposed method for generating the complete behavior model and tests guarantees a test set that detects all faults in the IUT that correspond to the proposed fault model when the number of states in the IUT is correctly estimated.
13 Future Research Modeling: Handling timing constraints? (timed automata, fault model, heuristics) Experimentation: With large/realistic policies to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the test generation methods. Prototype tool development
14 Schedule Month 1: Extend the un-timed Fault Model for temporal RBAC Months 2-4: Study applicability/extensions in existing timed automata test generation techniques for complete fault coverage with respect to the timed fault model Months: 5-8: Develop techniques to reduce the cost of testing (Number of test cases) Months 9-11: Perform a case study to verify the efficacy of the finally proposed approach. Month 12: Final report.
15 Deliverables A methodology for testing access control implementations that employ temporal constraints. Evaluation of the methodology through a case study. A set of recommendations on the implementation of the methodology as an integral part of the software development lifecycle.
16 Budget- Year 1 Salaries (faculty + graduate student): $30,000 Travel: $8,000 Miscellaneous: $2000 Indirect costs: $10,000 Total: $50,000
18 Sequential Steps to a Verified Implementation Step 1 Security Testing Access Control Policy Specifications Specification verification Consistent Specifications Policy Implementation Access Control System Implementation Security Verified Implementation Step 2 Step 3