Timed Writing Notes 45 minute essay
Essay Guidelines- Structuring the Essay The essay should have three parts: – Introduction – Body – Conclusion
Introduction: – Attention Grabber – Background about the topic (Explain the subject) – Thesis (state your stance/topic and two reasons) Body – Topic Sentence – states the main idea of the paragraph (state your first reason/argument) – Concrete Details – these are the supporting sentences that provide quotes, examples, facts, reasons, etc.) – Commentary – make comments on the CDs and explain how the concrete details support your stance or why they are valuable *Remember 1CD:2CM – Concluding Sentence – summarize the main idea/s of the paragraph or paraphrase your topic sentence Conclusion – Summarize the ideas discussed, including your stance – Address the “so what question” - Make a suggestion, prediction, or offer a solution – Finish with an impact statement – leaves your reading thinking; may tie back to AG or title
Timed Writing Notes: 45 minute essay 8-10 minutes – Pre-write Dissect the prompt – Circle key verbs that tell you what to do. List ideas pertaining to the topic Make a pre-write (outline or bubble cluster) *Your pre-write should include the essay topic, topic sentences ideas, and concrete details. Develop a thesis statement – Use the ideas you listed in the previous step to help you decide what opinion or stance your essay is going to prove. *Make sure your thesis directly addresses the prompt and includes your two talking points. (Be aware that some prompts ask you to do more than one thing.)
Timed Writing Notes: 45 minute essay 30 minutes – Write the essay Write a logical, well-organized essay using your pre- write as your guide. Keep your audience in mind. Remember that this is a formal essay, so use appropriate diction, grammar, and point of view. Keep your eye on the clock and pace yourself. Don’t get too caught up in trying to find the perfect word or means of expression. Put a star next to it and come back to it later.
Timed Writing Notes: 45 minute essay Last 5 minutes – Review, Edit, and Revise Reread your completed essay and revise – Make sure you have answered the question and not strayed from the prompt. Check for complete ideas and clear thoughts Be sure you paper is easy to read and your ideas stand out clearly – Proofread for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Don’t waste time trying to white out mistakes or cross out completely, just draw a line through the error and keep on going. You may neatly make arrows to notes in the margin in necessary.