Goals and requirements 1 st flexible geometry version Next geometry version development Conclusions and outlook A realistic and flexible VTX geometry in.


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Presentation transcript:

Goals and requirements 1 st flexible geometry version Next geometry version development Conclusions and outlook A realistic and flexible VTX geometry in MOKKA

29 May 2006ILC Vertex Detector Workshop Ringberg Damien Grandjean 2 Optimised the VTX design – Number of layers – Acceptance – Material budget – Physic study capabilities Simple modification of the geometry by any users – Using a configuration file Consider all technologies – CCD – CMOS – DEPFET Differences between technologies from the simulation point of view : – Readout and control electronic location – Cryostat needed or not – Cooling system – Ladder mechanical support elec Sensitive part elec Sensitive part elec Sensitive part elec Goals and requirements of the simulation

29 May 2006ILC Vertex Detector Workshop Ringberg Damien Grandjean 3 First flexible geometry version /1 ● Implementation of a realistic geometry – Old version: VXD00 ● Layer designed with cylinder of materials – Too far from reality – Can’t be used for design optimization – New version: VXD01 (available from Mokka release) ● Layers designed with ladders – Realistic material budget – All technologies can be considered

29 May 2006ILC Vertex Detector Workshop Ringberg Damien Grandjean 4 First flexible geometry version /2 – Mechanical support Add beryllium ladder block ● Add beryllium support disk on beampipe + ladder block for the 1 st layer

29 May 2006ILC Vertex Detector Workshop Ringberg Damien Grandjean 5 2 models implemented – D14 : TESLA VTX concept with electronic at the end of ladder – D14_CMOSVTX : TESLA VTX concept with electronic along the ladder Using the last MOKKA developments – Possible to modify geometry with configuration file (mokka.steer) Parameters: – Radius of the first and the last layer Imply beampipe radius modification (distance between layer #1 and beampipe fix at 500 μm ) Automatic calculation of radius of the intermediates layers (homothetic transformation) Automatic calculation of the optimal number of ladders per layer – Thickness of the electronic, sensitive part and mechanical support of ladders – Choice of the material of the ladder support – Thickness of the beampipe central part – VTX surrounded by cryostat or not First flexible geometry version /3

29 May 2006ILC Vertex Detector Workshop Ringberg Damien Grandjean 6 Summary of the first version Description already realistic and flexible – Available for physic studies – Geometry optimization Simulations in LBL (Marco Battaglia) LPC (Pascal Gay)  Source is available on:  Default of the this first version – 1 model per technology – Can be more flexible and more realistic

29 May 2006ILC Vertex Detector Workshop Ringberg Damien Grandjean 7 What is new in the next version : – New parameters Length and width of the ladders Radius of each layer Width of the electronic along the ladder – New material for ladder mechanical support RVC foam SiC foam – Only 1 model for all technologies Choice of the technology with the electronic location options. Electronic at the end of ladder and/or along the ladder – Now in debugging and tests phase Should be take few weeks and then send the code for Mokka update New model implementation (VXD02) – Layer #1: sensors on both side of the ladder (see Marc Winter’s Talk) – Layer #2 to #5 : sensors separated and placed on each side of the ladder alternatively  avoided dead zones in z axe – This new model could be mixed with VXD01 via options if needed. Next geometry version development

29 May 2006ILC Vertex Detector Workshop Ringberg Damien Grandjean 8 Conclusions and outlook The first realistic version of the VTX geometry is already usable for physic studies and optimization design, but have still some defaults. The next version will be more realistic and more flexible to take account of all technologies and design possibilities. – Should be available in next few weeks – Enjoy to use this simulation and all remarks are welcome Still lot of work to design the most realistic VTX – Need inputs for mechanical support, cooling system and cabling  all information are welcome Spatial resolution in reconstruction soft (MARLIN): – Choice of the spatial resolution or pixel pitch for each technologies (Marco Battaglia’s and Alexei Raspereza’s talks)

29 May 2006ILC Vertex Detector Workshop Ringberg Damien Grandjean 9 Be support disk Be annulus block First layer Fifth layer View of the CMOS VTX concept

29 May 2006ILC Vertex Detector Workshop Ringberg Damien Grandjean 10 To do list About geometry – Design of realistic cabling (kapton ? Optic fiber?) – Design of cooling system – More realistic mechanical support (SiD concept) About detector concept in Mokka – Apply the new geometry in SiD VTX barrel part ? About Reconstruction part: – The VTX design in Mokka don’t take account of the spatial resolution of the sensors. – This should be done in reconstruction software in flexible way : To take account of sensors R&D and VTX concept. – For example: VTX concept with CMOS sensor has different pixel pitch for each layer. 2 possibilities – Implementation of digitization for each technology (Marco Battaglia’s and Alexei Raspereza’s talks) – At least smearing of the hit position as in Brahms reconstruction