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Turkey and Persia China Japan Latin America Wild Card 2 Point 4 Points 6 Points 8 Points 10 Points 2 Point 4 Points4 Points4 Points 6 Points 8 Points 10 Points 6 Points 8 Points 10 Points More China
Wanted to secularize and modernize Turkey
Mustafa Kemal or Ataturk
Wanted to modernize and industrialize Iran
Reza Shah Pahlavi
Type of government in Turkey and Persia
One-party dictatorship
Turkish reforms
W. calendar; separation of church and state; outlaw veil and fez; adopt surnames; industrialize; Latin alphabet; women’s rights; abolish polygamy
Persian reforms
Change name to Iran; build roads, hospitals, university; women’s rights; communications; industrialize
Chinese Communists fled Shanghai on 6000 miles over 1 year trek
Long March
Uprising of Chinese against Chinese Christians and foreigners
Boxer Rebellion
She seized power and allowed foreigners to dominate China.
Dowager Empress Tz’u-hsi
Chinese Nationalist party
How did China become a republic in 1912?
Emperor Henry Pu Yi, age 12 years old, abdicated.
US plan to give all nations equal trading rights in China.
Open Door Policy
Founded China’s Nationalist party and their first republic
Sun Yat-sen
Leader of Chinese Communists
Mao Zedong
Set up a virtual dictatorship in China in the 1920s and 1930s
Chiang Kai-shek
Chiang drove out advisors from this country to halt Communist growth
Dominated the government under Meiji Restoration, especially after 1889 Constitution
The Military
Defeated by Japan in 1905
Positive social change which resulted from industrialization
Living standard rose; medical care, education improved; western ideas adopted
Negative social change which resulted from industrialization
Population explosion; cities grow; failed immigration attempts lead to resentment
Why build an empire in Asia?
Western rejection of Japan; need natural resources; need a place to send extra people
Type of government common after the Great Depression began
Authoritarian dictatorship
US policy of non- interference and cooperation
Good Neighbor Policy
Grew large with rural migration and European immigration
Most economies here were based on this.
He overthrew reformers in Cuba with US encouragement.
Fulgencio Batista
Type of protest preferred by Gandhi
In 1931 Chiang made a great mistake by doing little to stop this country’s invasion of China
Communist Chinese army of peasant volunteers
Red Army
Chiang initially believed they threatened China’s republic the most
Northern Warlords
Areas of the British Empire given autonomy/self-rule before WWII
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland
Make your wager
Final Answer
Final Question