Pain Understanding Pain Biological Influences –Noiceptors Sensory receptors that detect hurtful temperatures, pressures or chemicals –Gate-control theoryGate-control theory Theory that the spinal cord has “gates” that either open to feel pain or close to block it. –Endorphins Natural pain killers –Phantom limb sensations –Tinnitus Phantom sound- ringing in the ears
The pain circuit
Pain Understanding Pain Psychological Influences –Rubber-hand illusion Brain Games video –Memories of pain –Empathetic pain
Pain Understanding Pain Social-Cultural Influences –We tend to perceive more pain when others are also experiencing pain. (“I AM” clip)
Biopsychosocial approach to pain
Pain: Controlling Pain Physical methods Psychological methods –Drugs, placebos, surgery, chiropractic, acupuncture, electric stimulation, massage, exercise, hypnosis, relaxation training, laser therapy and thought distraction… –Example: herniated disc Shall we try something?!
Perceptual Organization
Introduction Gestalt (form or whole)Gestalt
Form Perception Figure and Ground Figure-ground
Form Perception Grouping Grouping –Proximity –Similarity –Continuity –Connectedness –Closure
Form Perception Grouping Grouping –Proximity –Similarity –Continuity –Connectedness –Closure
Form Perception Grouping - Proximity
Form Perception Grouping - Similarity
Form Perception Grouping - Continuity
Form Perception Grouping - Connectedness
Form Perception Grouping - Closure
Depth Perception
Depth perception –Visual-cliffVisual-cliff
Depth Perception Binocular Cues Binocular cues –Retinal disparityRetinal disparity Binocular cue for perceiving depth The greater the disparity between right and left image, the close the object (your brain knows this!)
Depth Perception Mononocular Cues Monocular cues each eye has these depth cues separately…like:Monocular cues –Relative height –Relative size –Interposition –Linear perspective –Relative motion –Light and shadow –Horizontal-vertical –Let’s look at each
Depth Perception Mononocular Cues – Relative Height
Depth Perception Mononocular Cues – Relative Size
Depth Perception Mononocular Cues - Interposition
Depth Perception Mononocular Cues – Linear Perspective
Depth Perception Mononocular Cues – Relative Motion
Depth Perception Mononocular Cues – Light and Shadow
Phi Phenomenon Stroboscopic movement Phi phenomenon An illusion of movement created when two or more adjacent lights blink on and off in succession.
Perceptual Constancy
Perceptual Constancy Shape and Size Constancies Shape constancy
Perceptual Constancy Shape and Size Constancies Size constancy- we assume objects size stays the same no matter how far away they are. Moon illusion p42 T resource Ponzo illusion – In the Ponzo illusion, two identically sized lines appear to be different sizes when placed over parallel lines that seem to converge as they recede into the distance.
Ames Room Designed by Adelbert Ames, participants peered with one eye through a small hole, making the girl in the right “corner” appear larger!
Ames Room
Perceptual Constancy Lightness Constancy Lightness constancy –AKA brightness constancy We perceive an object as having constant lightness- but illumination varies. –Relative luminance The amount of light an object reflects relative to its surroundings
Perceptual Constancy Color Constancy Color constancy –Surrounding context –Surrounding objects –TEDTalks If you like this in Brain Games, you may want to see more at ns_show_how_we_see?language=en ns_show_how_we_see?language=en
Perceptual Interpretation
Sensory Deprivation and Restored Vision Experiments on sensory deprivation –Indicate there is a critical period for normal sensory and perceptual development
Perceptual Adaptation Perceptual adaptation –Displacement goggles –Adaptation –Want to try them?
Perceptual Set Perceptual set –Mental predisposition Predisposition to perceive one thing and not another Influenced by experience, assumptions and expectations –Schemas Concepts that organize and interpret unfamiliar information
Perceptual Set Context Effects Context effects
Perceptual Set Emotion and Motivation Motivation on perception –Monetary motivation to “see” something –Rt: farm Lft: sea Emotions on perception –Refs at PR basketball game
Perception is a Biopsychosocial Phenomenon
Is There Extrasensory Perception? Guess what?! I have it…wanna see?
Claims of ESP Parapsychology Extrasensory Perception –Telepathy –Clairvoyance –Precognition Psychokinesis (PK)
Premonitions or Pretensions? Psychic predictions –Nostradamus Claimed that his prophecies could not be understood until they were interpreted after the event and by it!
Putting ESP to Experimental Test ESP Experiments James Randi offer $1,000,000!
The End Crash Course Review on Perception : v=n46umYA_4dM v=n46umYA_4dM