Enjoy the day with Nandu A day with Nandu IV STD EVS Enjoy the day with Nandu
Elephant is a largest animal living on land.It is a huge in size.
A day with Nandu Weight is 200 kg
Elephants are living in a group. A group of elephants are called herd.
A herd of elephants has baby elephants and male ,female elephants.
Nandu is a baby elephant
The sound of elephant - Trumpet
Elephants like to eat bananas
Elephants eat leaves and twigs
Elephant eats leaves
Elephant eats sugarcane
Elephant eats grass
Give one word answer: 1.What do elephants eat ? __________________ 2.How much of food do elephants eat in one day ? ___________________ 3.How much does a baby elephant Weight? ____________________
DO U KNOW? Do you know that an adult elephant can eat more than 100 kilograms of leaves and twigs in one day? Elephants do not rest very much. They sleep for only two to four hours in a day. Elephants love to play with mud and water. The mud keeps their skin cool. Their big ears also work like fans. The elephants flaps these to keep themselves cool.
The herd moved towards the river
Elephants are drinking water together
Splashing water and mud on their body
Nandu is only three months old, but he weighs 200 kilograms.
Drinking water
Drinking water
Flapping their ears like fan.
Elephant love to play with mud and water
Elephants are drinking water together
Baby elephant enjoyed playing in the water
Answer the following ? 1.Why do elephants play with mud and Water ? ------------------------------------------ 2.How do elephant keep themselves Cool ? ______________________________
Male elephant leave the herd when they are 14- 15 years old.
Male elephant leave the herd and move alone
You know about Nandu and the elephant herd. An elephant herd has only females and baby elephants. The oldest female is the leader of the herd. A herd may have 10 to 12 female elephants and young ones. Male elephants live in the herd till they are 14-15 years old. Then they leave their herd and move around alone. Nandu will also leave his herd when he is that old.
Give one word answer : 1.How many elephants are there in a herd? ________________________ 2.Who is the leader of the herd ? ____________________________ 3.How long do the male elephant stay in The herd ? ______________________________ 4.What is a group of elephant called? -
What do you call these group of animals ? HONEY BEES ANTS WOLVES SHEEP FISH LIONS
A group of ants -colony
A group of wolves - pack
A group of fish - school
A group of honey bees -swarm
A group of sheep -flock
A group of lions -pride
A group of elephant -Herd
Write the name of animals ? 1.A pride of ______ 2.A flock of _______ 3.A school of ______ 4.A colony of ______ 5.A pack of _______ 6. A herd of _______
Evaluation Answer the following : 1. Who is the leader of the herd? 2.How many members are there in a herd? 3.What do elephants eat ? 4.How much of food do elephants eat in one day? 5.How long do elephants sleep ? 6.How long do the male elephant stay in the herd? 7.Why do elephants play with mud and Water ? 8.What is a group of elephant called?
Have you ever taken a ride on an elephant?
They make us dance and dance and dance They make us dance and dance and dance.Even if we don’t want to or we are in pain. That too,with an empty stomach!
You have only seen how fast I run. Have you seen my shoes You have only seen how fast I run.Have you seen my shoes? Do you know how much pain I get when they fix the horse shoes to my hooves?
You see me in circus- dancing and jumping through rings of fire You see me in circus- dancing and jumping through rings of fire. You clap and enjoy. Do you think that I also enjoy all this? If I do not do this I woo get no food, only get a beating!
Elephant is also a good friend of man.
How many legs does this elephant have?
Love animals and save them