Environment, Development and Management Tim Swanson
Elephants Table 1Estimates of African Elephant Population Declines 1980s (Selected Countries) Cameroon 16,200 22,000 CAR 63,000 23,000 Zaire377,000112,000 Central497,400277,000 Kenya 65,000 16,000 Sudan134,000 22,000 Tanzania316,300 61,000 Eastern 546,850110,000 Botswana 20,000 68,000 Mozambique 54,800 17,000 South Africa 7,800 7,800 Zambia150,000 32,000 Zimbabwe 30,000 52,000 Southern282, ,000 Burkina Faso 1,700 4,500 Ghana 3,500 2,800 Western 17,090 19,000 Totals (all Africa) 1,343,345609,000
A Bio-Economic Model
Bio-economic equilibrium
An Alternative View of Elephants
Open Access, Again
Managing Elephants
Managing Elephants (contd)
Managing Elephants Table 2 Park Management Spending by Selected African States (Spending levels in $/sq. km.) Botswana Cameroon CAR Ethiopia Ghana Kenya Malawi Mozambique Niger Somalia South Africa Sudan Tanzania Uganda Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe
How do Environment and Development Relate? (empirically)
Environment and Development
Environment and Development
Stokey on Environment and Development - when do societies introduce management? AK Technology:
Stokey on Management Optimal Path to S-S:
Stokey’s Management Path
Stokey with Pollution Stocks
Stokey with Stocks