Warren Court SWBAT: Analyze the decisions of the Supreme Court led by E. Warren. Skim pages Earl Warren (who?): -Reapportionment (definition): -Due process (definition): -Court Cases: (what rights/laws do they make?) -Gideon v. Wainwright -Escobedo v. Illinois -Miranda v. Arizona -Engel v. Vitale SIN #42
Republican from CA Appointed as Chief Justice of supreme court under Eisenhower Huge decisions on civil rights in s Did not favor republicans Earl Warren
Reorganize the way states draw political districts based on population to make for fair and equal Targeting south reapportionment
Law cannot treat individuals unfairly or unequally and must follow proper procedures in court Gives more protection to criminals Due process
Gideon v. Wainwright- Right to an attorney Court Cases:
Escobedo v. Illinois- Right to an attorney when bring questioned
Miranda v. Arizona- Must read you your rights when being arrested (Miranda Rights)
Engel v. Vitale No prayer in public schools
Warren Court Doc Analysis #42 cont. Do Not write on documents, answer questions in notebook (Give back docs at end of period, can finish tomorrow if needed) #1a. 1b. 4a. 4b. 5 a. 5b. 7.