Day 4
Comprehension Strategies that Expand our Thinking and Lead to Writing
Purpose: To collaboratively construct meaning, clarify, and expand our thinking about a text that will ultimately translate to effective argument writing. Non-purpose: Individually begin writing without looking at a text or document or the context of the issues presented.
Reality television programs, which feature real people engaged in real activities rather than professional actors performing scripted scenes, are increasingly popular. These shows depict ordinary people competing in everything from singing and d ancing to losing weight, or just living their everyday lives. Most people believe that the reality these shows portray is authentic, but they are being misled. How authentic can these shows be when producers design challenges for the participants and then editors alter filmed scenes? Do people benefit from forms of entertainment that show so-called reality, or are such forms of entertainment harmful? Are these shows hurting or corrupting the lives of families and society?
1. Read the article “Why Reality TV Is the New Family TV,” located on page Fill in the 5 Ws and H on your “Get the GIST” sheet on page 11 of your packet. 3. Write a 20-word GIST summary on the same sheet. 4. Circle the words from the 20-word GIST summary that are in the article. Get the GIST