Enter Scott C. Haase TE 334-Computer Apps in K-8
Home Philosophy Projects Links End TE 334 Computer Applications in K-8 Course Description: Intro to classroom usage of technology in the K-8 environment. Skills and Highlighted points from the class: Iwebsite Evauating, Graphic Organizers (Kidspiration and Inspiration), Advanced PowerPoint, Digital Story Telling, Introduction to Podcasting ePortfolio: I invite you to click on the Projects and/or Links tab and look through some of my work that I have uploaded.
Teaching Philosophy My teaching philosophy addresses but is not limited to the following: Respect for everyone In depth Instruction Life-Relevant Lessons Technological Engagement Determination and Diligence Success and Achievements Home Philosophy Projects Links End
Technology Projects Here is a sample of my technology projects that I developed in class. Click on them to view them. Newsletter Graphical Organizer Graphical Organizer PowerPoint Photostory Home Philosophy Projects Links End
Links ISTE MIVU Kidspiration Pics4Learning Photostory Here is a sample of links or programs that I will use in the future. Click on them to view them. Home Philosophy Projects Links End