Statistics show Prom and Graduation season is the most dangerous time for teens.
Plan Ahead Tell your family what your plans are ahead of time. Make an agreement with friends to keep a check on each other during the evening. Be sure someone you trust is available for you to call if your plans change or you need help.
Travel Safety Rent a limo Talk to your parents about renting a limo. The passengers can focus on taking pictures, applying last minute lipstick, fixing hair, etc. Ask a close family friend to drive Offer to buy them dinner, free movie ticket, etc, some form of payment for helping out.
Travel Safety Limit the number of passengers Do not overload a vehicle. Too many people make it difficult for the driver to see the road. Buckle your seatbelt You may have the most fabulous dress or tuxedo on, but your outfit isn’t complete until you click that seatbelt.
Travel Safety Be on time No speed racing to the prom. Leave your house on time and arrive at your prom with a few minutes to spare. Leaving the prom No racing home from the prom to meet curfew. Leave in plenty of time so you are not late in getting home.
Travel Safety Keep the tunes in check Some music is o.k. while driving, but no loud base bumping music until you get to the prom.
Travel Safety NO DRINKING!!! Statistics show Prom and Graduation season is the most dangerous time for teens. One-third of the alcohol-related traffic fatalities involving teens each year occur during the months of Prom and Graduation.
Travel Safety Teen drivers ages 16 to 19 are four times more likely than older drivers to crash. ALWAYS wear a safety belt. Don’t drink and drive, and…
Just Say No Some people feel pressured to drink, smoke, use drugs or have sex on prom night by friends or the media. Drinking is responsible for over 4500 deaths among young people each year and is associated with other problems like STD’s and unintended pregnancy.
Alcohol and drugs impair judgment and may result in being harmed or harming others. Just because others do something doesn’t make it a good idea or right for you.
Respect Yourself Respect yourself and others Are you covered? Maintain your personal boundaries. Avoid alcohol and drugs.
Going to After Prom Parties Be sure there will be adult supervision. Make sure there is a scheduled end time. Go with a ‘buddy’ or group.
Date Rape Date rape Rape of a woman by a man with whom she is acquainted. The rapist is usually the woman's ‘date’ (escort). Date rape is essentially a form of partner abuse, although the "partners" may be on their first date (or have been out together on multiple occasions).
Date Rape There are many date rape scenarios… …a common one, the man tries to weaken the resistance of the female by psychologically pressuring her or by giving her alcohol/drugs without her knowledge. The man forces the woman to have sexual intercourse. Sometimes the woman has no memory of the rape because of the effects of the alcohol/drug (or because of the traumatic nature of the event itself).
Date Rape Drugs A date rape drug is any drug that can be used to assist in the execution of a sexual assault, such as a non-consensual sexual act and/or non- consensual intercourse (date rape). Drugs used to facilitate sexual assault may have sedative, hypnotic, dissociative, and/or amnesiac effects, and can be added to a food or drink without the victim's knowledge.sexual assaultdate rapesedative hypnoticdissociativeamnesiac The act of adding such substances to drinks is known as ‘drink spiking’. The reasons for drink spiking include maliciousness, theft, sexual assault and rape.
Date Rape Drugs Any mind altering drug can be considered a date rape drug. NEVER accept an opened drink (bottle, can, cup, etc). NEVER remove yourself from the safety net of your friends if you start feeling sick. You may have been drugged! NEVER leave someone alone who is sick until they are with a trusted adult. They may have been drugged!
Date Rape Drugs What is the number one date rape drug? ALCOHOL
Prevent Date Rape Feeling uncomfortable? GO WITH YOUR GUT FEELING!!! Remove yourself from the situation if you can. Keep your cell phone with you. Stay in a group Keep an eye on your friends
Prevent Date Rape Do not be completely alone with someone you do not know well or trust, or if they are drinking or on other drugs!!! BE LOUD!!! SCREAM!!! HONK THE HORN IF YOUR IN A CAR!!! DRAW ATTENTION!!!
BE SAFE! Zina Ponsell Questions? me