Ebony Summers
Children might start drinking even younger than 12 Teens will not loose memory so soon Less alcoholics in the world Prevent underage drunk driving accidents
Drunk driving Alcohol poisoning Binge drinking Death Brain damage Memory loss Liver disease Can increase chances of getting liver and breast cancer Cause anger in some people Health problems continued on next slide
Prevent binge drinking Will be able to handle alcohol better Less arrest will take place for underage drinking No more sneaking alcohol People will figure out their limits sooner No more blaming underage drinkers for driving accidents 18 year olds still has access too alcohol
Sneak alcohol Start drinking younger Binge drinking Pre-gaming Underage drinking Teens being arrested
Advocating lower drinking age One parent has came up with a good idea since the legal age is n&tag=related;photovideo
Talk about alcohol Let the teen decide Don’t be negative Don’t be positive Answer questions Let them start at home Teach them how to be responsible
Not all accidents are caused because of alcohol
Binge DrinkingOver Doing It Drunk Driving
Young adults ages are more likely to become alcoholics than adults ages who are known as nonalcoholic but frequent heavy drinkers People start drinking at the age of 12 Problems that people say are mostly caused by alcohol and the effects of drinking really ARE NOT The main reason is the environment and home life
People put up signs saying they do not serve teens alcohol BUT they still do the sign is just for legal reasons People put up signs with a time on it BUT its just for legal reasons also
Parents have more of an influence on their children with alcohol than others
No one can say what age is the right age for a person to start drinking because it’s not about the age it’s all about the maturity of the person and if they are responsible enough to drink Be mature about drinking don’t do it irresponsibly.
Blane, Howard T, and Morris E. Chafetz. Youth, Alcohol, and Social Policy. New York: Plenum Press, Print. Felsted, Carla Martindell. Youth and Alcohol Abuse. Phoenix, AZ: The Oryx Press, Print. Jersild, Devon. Happy Hours. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc., Print. Mentor Foundation: “Teenage Brain Development and Vulnerability to Drug Use.” N.p March Mothers Against Drunk Driving: “Why 21? Addressing Underage Drinking.” N.p. n.p. 26 March The Century Council: “Underage Drinking Statistics.” N.p. n.p. 25 March U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “UnderageDrinking.” SAMHSA.gov. NIAAA, SAMHSA, Ad Council. n.d. 20 March 2011.