12 Steps of the Hero’s Journey
Story Arc: Setting Rising Action Climax Falling action Resolution/ Denoument
12 Steps of Hero’s Journey: Hero’s Ordinary World Special World of the Journey Back to the Ordinary World
12 Steps of Hero’s Journey: Hero’s Ordinary World Special World of the Journey Back to the Ordinary World
1) The Ordinary World Shows the regular world, hero’s normal environment
2) The Call to Adventure Hero is presented with a challenge or adventure (usually by a herald) Establishes stakes of the game and hero’s goal (win treasure, lover, revenge, right a wrong, change a life, confront challenge)
3) The Refusal of the Call Hero is not fully committed, thinks of turning back. Fear. Some further influence causes hero to cross the threshold and overcome fear.
4) Meeting with the Mentor Hero meets Mentor. Mentor trains hero to face unknown (gives advice, sometimes magical weapons)
5) Into the Special World (Crossing the 1st Threshold) Hero finally commits to adventure, enters Special World of the story. Story really gets rolling. Turning point between Ordinary and Special World
6) Tests, Allies, and Enemies The hero may encounter several Threshold Guardians The hero makes friends and enemies The hero learns the rules of the Special World.
7) Approaching the Inmost Cave Most dangerous place. Sometimes actually underground, but sometimes a metaphorical “cave” Where object of quest is hidden Sometimes the headquarters of the villain.
8) The Supreme Ordeal Fortune of hero hits rock bottom. Direct confrontation with Shadow (villain, hero’s greatest fear, or both) Audience wonders if hero will live or die.
9) Seizing the Sword (the Reward) Hero defeats Shadow, celebration! (usually love scene or comedy here) Hero takes possession of treasure. Could be weapon, elixir, knowledge, love, object. Hero may settle a conflict with a parent.
10) The Road Back Hero is not out of the woods. Has to deal with consequences of confronting Shadow. Sometimes dark forces chase hero here. Decision that special world must be left.
11) The Resurrection 2nd life-or-death moment. Shadow gets one last shot at hero. Hero is tested to see if he or she really learned the lessons from the Supreme Ordeal. Hero is transformed by these life-or-death moments, will be able to return to ordinary world “reborn” with new insights.
12) Return with the Elixir Hero returns to ordinary world, bringing back elixir, treasure, and/or lesson from special world.
Now, you try: Reflect upon Percy Jackson. Figure out 12 steps of his story. Hints: Label Ordinary and Special world. Turning point between two is Step 5 Figure out Steps 8 and 11, then fill in 7, 9, and 10. Who is the mentor? Hero meets him/her in Step 4.