The history of Balkans МОУ Балканская СОШ Учитель английского языка Бахтиярова Н.Г.


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Presentation transcript:

The history of Balkans МОУ Балканская СОШ Учитель английского языка Бахтиярова Н.Г.

I used to see the stars at night. I used to hear the birds. I used to feel the warmth of the sun. I used to smell the springtime flowers And sing so happily. I used to sing a song about the beauty of the world.

We live in the Youth Ural. Our homeland is Nagaybak district. Most of our villages have foreign names, for example Paris, Phershampenuas, Balkans. They were called in honor of victory of Russian soldiers in the first Patriotic War in 1812 with French. Among the soldiers were our countrymen.

Paris Paris Paris is famous with Afeleva Tower.

Phershampenuas Phershampenuas is famous with church, museums, especially with Stone Museum.

Balkans Our native village is Balkans.

The history of our village is very interesting and uncial. Balkans was famous with its goldmine, which was discovered by great employer (manufacture) Muhammatsadyc Rameev at the end of XIX-th century.

Rameev and his son Zakir Rameev and his son Zakir

Rameev’s palace Rameev had built the beautiful two- stored house and lived here with his family.

Rameev’s buildings, that are kept in our days

This store of butstone was built at the end of 19- century. Store of butstone

Water tower Water tower was built according Rameev’s instruction at the end of 19- century. Water was very tasty.

One of the poplars One of the poplars. About ten poplars are left nowadays. They were planted near Rameev’s palace.

Facts : 1896 – 1910 In Balkan mine were extracted about 4800 kg of gold. On the Top of Midhad Hill were founded three big nuggets (ores) 24 kg, 9.6 kg, 5.2 kg. Iskander mine gave 704 kg of gold.

K.K. Matveev showed interest to this place and investigated again. In 1925 K.K. Matveev with his group of scientists made discovery of wolfram mine not far from Balkans, the first mine in Russia. It was called Gumbeysky. Academic Fersman came here in 1932 and compared it with wolfram mine in North America. Professor K.K. Matveev

At the beginning of 20-th century the mine was filled by water. Now this place is called Razrez, it is the most beautiful place in our village. There are a lot of kinds of fishes in it. In summer not only our countrymen, but people all over our district come here to have a rest.

In 1941 began the second Great Patriotic War. 272 inhabitants of our village died in this war. During the war people worked hard in the mine and gave the country wolfram to make ammunition. Men and women worked not only on the mine, but in the state farm (sovkhoz ). They raised cereals. In 1945 the plan was fulfilled on 200%. The number of cattle was grown twice. The Government estimated high the work of Balkans people and rewarded by Order of the Red Banner. In 1945 as a result the state farm was admitted as a winner in All-Union socialist competition.

1920 A secondary school was situated in the palace 1923Rameev left Balkans 1925 began the Great Patriotic War 1936 The state- farm was admitted as a winner in All- Union socialist competition 1941 Rameev’s palace was burnt out 1943 Professor K.K. Matveev showed interest to Baakans mine 1945 Matveev K.K. made discovery of wolfram