Individual Loan Insurance Take a load off your mind Client profile: Wants to remain INDEPENDENT from their creditors
2/17Individual Loan Insurance Got debts? Don't worry… we all do. How would you like more peace of mind? Protect your ability to repay your loans.
3/17Individual Loan Insurance If you were to die… What would you rather leave your loved ones: your home or your mortgage? Well then, let's start with the first step… life insurance!
4/17Individual Loan Insurance $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 Let's start with the biggest debt Your mortgage! No matter what your amortization period, I can offer you a customized solution Years Mortgage Balance T10 T20 T30
5/17Individual Loan Insurance Advantages of the Desjardins Financial Security solution You can: Reduce your coverage along the way to decrease your costs Convert a portion of your term coverage into permanent insurance to cover other needs, such as estate taxes And, if you bundle coverages, you can benefit from our Multi-Coverage Discount (10% savings on average)
6/17Individual Loan Insurance What about all your other debts? Don't worry… we can cover them too! Let's take stock of them together.
7/17Individual Loan Insurance To deal with an unexpected event that has a direct impact on your quality of life and that of your loved ones? Is it important for you…
8/17Individual Loan Insurance An illness or an accident could prevent you from working and have a direct impact on your income. How would you feel knowing that if you were unable to work due to an illness or an accident you could pay your debts and be worry free?
9/17Individual Loan Insurance With SOLO Loan Insurance You'll receive a benefit to help you make your loan payments if you aren't able to work due to an illness or an accident.
10/17Individual Loan Insurance What types of loans are covered? Pretty much any kind you can imagine: Mortgage loans ( 125% to cover property taxes ) Home equity lines of credit Multi-unit residential mortgages Unsecured lines of credit Loans or long-term leases for a car or an RV Credit cards RRSP loans or other investment loans Personal loans Student loans DFS accepts any loan of $1,000 or more granted by a financial institution licensed to do business in Canada.
11/17Individual Loan Insurance How does this solution work? We together determine how much money you'd need each month if you became disabled. If you ever have to make a claim: You just need to provide financial proof of your existing loans, up to the maximum amount selected.
12/17Individual Loan Insurance 5 reasons why you'll love this solution 1.You only need ONE financial advisor to cover all your loans 2.You are INDEPENDENT from creditors so you have PORTABILITY when changing loan institution. 3.You make your OWN CHOICES based on your needs. 4.You benefit from great FLEXIBILITY as paid-off loans can be replaced by other loans.* 5.In the event of disability, you receive the entire benefit because it is TAX-FREE and not subject to INTEGRATION or COORDINATION of benefits. * Certain conditions apply.
13/17Individual Loan Insurance Quality coverage Once your contract is in force, you cannot be denied benefit payments in the event of disability due to pre- existing medical conditions that you declared when you applied for coverage. With financial institutions, there is usually some limitations for pre-existing conditions.
14/17Individual Loan Insurance You also get access to Advance Medical A medical expert opinion program to help with any health concerns you may have You get free access to the world's finest medical experts who will: –Confirm your diagnosis –Suggest the best course of treatment for you
15/17Individual Loan Insurance Make sure you're protected… 50% of bankruptcies and mortgage foreclosures are related to a disability Disability 50% 1 Other 48% Death 2% 1 Source: The Council for Disability Awareness, The Long Term Disability Claims Review: 2005.
16/17Individual Loan Insurance It pays to plan ahead… Take care of yourself and, if in spite of everything, life deals you an unfortunate blow, you'll be able to take the time to get back on your feet again. With no financial worries!
So, what do you think? TM, ® Trademarks owned by Desjardins Financial Security Please note: this presentation is for information purposes only. For all product details, please refer to the contract.