Psychology I Ms. Bors Chapters 1 and 2
Agenda/Announcements Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? Go over Procedures Quiz What is Psychology? Notes Learning Styles/Multiple Intelligences Inventories - Take - Record Scores - How to Do Well in Class Reading HW/ Coming up: Read chapter 1 by Friday! Expect a quiz- you CAN use your notes on the quizzes! Goal(s): Be able to define psychology. Be able to explain misconceptions we have about psychology and behavior. 1. Place the Get to Know You Handout on the TURN IN desk in the front of the room. Pick up the bell work handout from the side counter before the bell rings. Get started on the bell work right away. To Do As You Walk In:
Let’s go over the Procedures Quiz
What do you think psychology means?
Psychology Scientific study of animals’ inner feelings, thoughts, and behaviors
Psychology Feelings don’t always match behavior Ex. Johnny likes Sara, but… … Homophobia…
With your partner… Brainstorm some other times your behavior does not match what you are feeling (at least two) Don’t have to write them down
Complete these quietly You can listen to music during Due Wednesday at the beginning of class Must be graded by then! Learning styles/multiple intelligences inventories
How to Do Well in Class Reading
Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! How will understanding your learning style and/or multiple intelligence going to help you in learning better? Explain. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.
Agenda/Announcements Goals of Psychology Recording of Learning Styles/Multiple Intelligences Hoarders HW/ Coming up: Read chapter 1 by Friday! Expect a quiz- you CAN use your notes on the quizzes! Goal(s): Be able to define behavior in psychology. Define psychology as a science and identify, and be able to provide examples of, the four goals of psychology. Be able to explain the difference between basic science and applied science. Make sure your book is visibly laying on your desk, please. Get started on the bell work right away. Work on it quietly and individually. To Do As You Walk In:
Why Should You Study Psychology?
Misconceptions about psychology It IS a science! Research based ○ objective Empirical evidence based ○ Experience or observation Not common sense Not faith based beliefs
Evidence based
What do psychologists mean when they say behavior?
Goals of Psychology 1. D escribe behavior NOT always “something you see” Ex. Feel happy when you see someone you like 2. Explain behavior You hypothesize… Ex. Because you always have a good time when you are around that person 3. Predict future behavior What will happen in the same or similar kind of situation Ex. You will be happy when a person you like texts/calls you 4. Influence behavior Two-fold Basic science= research Ex. Survey and compile data Applied science- using research to modify and control behavior Ex. Create a pill
Record both your main (aka highest score) learning style(s) and multiple intelligence(s) next to your name on the record sheet as its being passed around! We will do this tomorrow during class as well, if you’re not finished with these questionnaires!
Hoarders Complete the Applying the Goals of Psychology- Hoarders. Write your name on it. Wait to turn in until tomorrow.
Hoarders Let’s go over this!
Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Which of the four goals of psychology do you believe to be most important? Explain your answer. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.
Agenda/Announcements Hoarders HW/ Coming up: Read chapter 1 by Friday! Expect a quiz- you CAN use your notes on the quizzes! Goal(s): Be able to apply an episode of Hoarders to the four goals of psychology. Get started on the bell work right away. Work on it quietly and individually. To Do As You Walk In:
Record both your main (aka highest score) learning style(s) and multiple intelligence(s) next to your name on the record sheet that is being passed around! Learning styles/multiple intelligences inventories
Hoarders Complete the Applying the Goals of Psychology- Hoarders. We will discuss together after the episode.
Hoarders Let’s go over this!
Hoarders Pass these up!
Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Without looking at the actual explanations Of each of those approaches to psychology on pg. 21 (Figure 1.9), pick one of them and write down how you think it attempts to explain behavior. Explain your answer. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.
Agenda/Announcements 1. History of Psychology Notes 2. Main Idea Chart- Current Approaches to Psychology HW/ Coming up: Read chapter 1 by Friday! Expect a quiz- you CAN use your notes on the quizzes! Main Idea Chart- due Tuesday! Goal(s): Be able to describe outdated approaches to psychology: trephination, dualism, structuralism, functionalism, inheritable traits, Gestalt psychology, pseudoscience and phrenology. Get started on the bell work right away. Work on it quietly and individually. To Do As You Walk In:
If you haven’t yet… Record both your main (aka highest score) learning style(s) and multiple intelligence(s) next to your name on the record sheet that is being passed around! Learning styles/multiple intelligences inventories
Book Check Take out your books and leave them on your desks so I can see. These need to be brought with you every day! Asked to go get swiped if you don’t have your book and you have to go get it from your locker and you come back late! Today, you get a raffle ticket for having your book on you!
Humans have different views of why people… … have different political ideas … lie Maybe genes. Maybe because of what others have done to them. Maybe what they have seen. Each perspective looks at that behavior in different ways to. You might consider one better than other.
Stone Age Trephination- cutting holes into a skull to let evil spirits out back
Greeks/Romans believe humans are rational animals Plato-brain Aristotle- heart Hippocrates- illness has natural causes Galen- basic substances (humors)
Dualism Dualism (two) movement- Idea that mind and body do NOT work together
Rene Descartes 1600s Challenges dualism Believes that mind and body do work together!
Structuralism Structuralism- look at the structure of what you see/think Wilhelm Wundt is the father of psychology (1879) - Psychology is now a science! Introspection- method of self-observation to collect info about the mind Ex. Dream journal
Functionalism Functionalism- looks at the function of why something happens William James is considered the father of psychology in the U.S.
Inheritable Traits Sir Francis Galton- behavior based on inherited traits/behaviors from parents Intelligence runs in families (wealthier= smarter)
FYI, Galton was Darwin’s cousin!
What possible advantages do rich people have when it comes to education?
Gestalt psychology What do you see? The whole of an experience is more than the sum of its parts!
What is pseudoscience? Fake science!
Phrenology Phrenology- examining sizes of bumps on a person’s head to determine his/her intellect and character traits Very popular from Phrenology Video
Main Idea Chart- Current Approaches to Psychology Start working on this individually. Due Tuesday!
Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! List three of the outdated approaches to psychology that you agree with the most. Explain why you chose them. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.
Agenda/Announcements Candy Friday! Does your class qualify? 1. Introduction to the Semester Long Project 2. Get to Know Your Psych I Group Activity 3. Finish the Main Idea Chart- Current Approaches to Psychology HW/ Coming up: Main Idea Chart- due Tuesday! Goal(s): Be able to work well with your Psych I group members on a common goal. Be able to describe and provide a real world current example of each of the subfields (perspectives) of psychology. 1. Pick up the TT118 World History: Patterns of Interaction Passage on Freud. 2. Get started on the bell work right away. Work on it quietly and individually. To Do As You Walk In:
Pass up the bell works to one person and have them walk it to the TURN IN desk.
I still need syllabus sign offs from… ……
Semester Long Project Intro Let’s go over the project! Keep the sheet where you will record information for this project someplace you won’t lose! Write your name on it
1. When I call your name 1. Come up here. 2. Grab your sticker and PLACE it someplace visible so you know which color you are. This will be needed every time we work in groups! 3. Remember which group and designated spot in the room I place you in, so you know where to go once we begin working in groups in a few minutes. Get to Know Your Psych I Group Instructions
1. Goal- get each others’ contact info. 2. Follow instructions on the handout. 3. These are the procedures for working in groups EVERY TIME: Remember your group’s name and where you will sit. Arrange desks so that you face your group members. Sit in a chair, not desk. Keep your voices down to talking level. Help your group AND complete your specified role, based on which sticker you receive. 4. Let Ms. Bors know if you were not placed in a group. Get to Know Your Psych I Group Instructions
Blue Sticker Students from each group- you will always pick up the handout from me with the instructions. Raise your hands!
If they are not here, then the Green Sticker Students will get the handout. Raise your hands!
Silver Sticker Students- your job will be to always put materials and the posters back on the side counter. Raise your hands!
Yellow- make sure that desks are put back the way they were before- means. Raise your hands!
Red Sticker Students- you will fill in for either silver or yellow if they aren’t here. Raise your hands!
Today’s Roles for Each Group Member for Psych I Group Activity Red- Recorder… The Recorder takes notes summarizing team discussions and decisions, and keeps all necessary records. Blue- Reporter… The Reporter reports the small group’s work to the whole class. Silver- Timekeeper… The Timekeeper keeps track of the time and makes sure that the group finishes their task on time. Green- For groups of four or more only… Gatekeeper… The Gatekeeper makes sure that everyone is on task. Yellow(s)- For groups of five or more only… Main Facilitator… The Main Facilitator leads the discussion, making sure that everyone within the group is participating. Someone not here- you all take over his/her job
So… Reporters will tell us what your group’s similarity was
Move your desks back! Send your designated people to turn this in.
Passing Work Back
Thought of the Day 8 th period- place chairs on top of desks please! Based on the characteristics and definition of respect you came up with in your groups, how do you plan on being respectful in this and other classes? Explain your answer. Write your name and ALWAYS explain your answer.