On Target? Do this on your Warm Up worksheet! Sit with your cartoon groups! Is climate change the same thing as global warming? Why or why not?
For today... 1.Warmup 2.Cartoon Assignment Sharing 3.Cartoon Assignment Voting! Objective: I can show my understanding about the drivers of climate change and the effect of these changes by creating cartoon panels with a group.
Sharing Cartoons! We are going to share our cartoons with the class today! Please be respectful of each other. This means: Listen! DO NOT TALK! No comments! Clap at the end! Be nice-no negativity.
Voting Think of which cartoon you think is best in terms of story and showing climate change Voting will be confidential Write the number of the group that you think in best on your voting paper-you cannot vote for your own group.
In a group of 3-4: Given what we know about how the atmosphere and climate is changing: Draw cartoon panels of Earth’s: 1.Past 2.Present 3.Future with out fixing climate change 4.Future with fixing climate change On the back (or worked into the panel) you need to include a description of reasoning for EACH drawing- WHAT and WHY are things happening scientifically? GET CREATIVE! Try to make it a story Everyone is responsible for 1 panel (for the grade) and these are DUE on THURSDAY Cartoon Project